Comments and answers for "Count Value occurrence based on certain attributes" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest comments and answers for the question "Count Value occurrence based on certain attributes" Comment by dberger106 on dberger106's comment

So managed to answer my own question here - @egomm set me on the right path (thank you) and I just added in a ListHistogrammar, another ListSearcher (to find the list element that had the count of the value 5) and then an attribute creator that use the list_index to pull back the count.Then repeat for all other values I want to summarize.

Mon, 05 Aug 2019 00:43:12 GMT dberger106
Comment by dberger106 on dberger106's answer

Thanks heaps for your reply@egomm!The ListExpressionPopulator and ListSearcher are very fast options!I think I am getting closer to my required result.I now have a list of attributes and I can search for the number 5 with the ListSearcher, however I would like to count how many times the number five is in that list.Do you know a way I could search a list and count how many times a certain value is found?

Thanks again

Sun, 04 Aug 2019 22:26:32 GMT dberger106
Answer by ebygomm

If you just want to be able to filter out features that have a 5 in any one of the attributes containing SIG you could use a ListExpression populator to put all the values of Attributes that have SIG in the name into a list then use a ListSearcher to search the list for the number 5

You could also use an AttributeValidator, this will let you select all the attributes to validate against the same rule (but does mean you have to select them, so not as dynamic as the above solution) - and you have to check for not 5 ( [^5] ) so that any feature containing 5 will come out the failed port

Fri, 02 Aug 2019 07:13:11 GMT ebygomm