Comments and answers for "Em dash - En dash UTF8 and all that Jazz" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest comments and answers for the question "Em dash - En dash UTF8 and all that Jazz" Comment by lauraatsafe on lauraatsafe's comment

Thanks!I'll try testing this with 2018 and will let you know what I find.

Mon, 26 Aug 2019 16:35:02 GMT lauraatsafe
Comment by kieranmg on kieranmg's answer


Thanks for the followup.I'm using FME Server 2018.0.1 - Build 18310 - win64.Maybe there lies the problem!

This is part of our DBYD solution.Subject of email will usually take the form of something like 'DBYD JOB:178754785 SEQ:9874936478 - 54–86 fictitious street, Koroit, VIC 3267'

Usually the emdash is seen between numbers for street addresses, as above.

We're using exchange 2013 (soon to move to office 365)

Mon, 26 Aug 2019 06:47:38 GMT kieranmg
Answer by lauraatsafe


What version and build number of FME Server are you seeing this problem with?I just tried a quick test with an email containing an em dash, but the path was created correctly and worked for me with FME Server 2019.1.

Could you paste an example of what the email subject line looks like with the em/en dash in there still?I'm wondering if perhaps I'm doing something a bit different and not replicating exactly what you're doing to hit this issue.Also, what kind of email server are you connecting to in the IMAP configuration?

Wed, 07 Aug 2019 23:12:10 GMT lauraatsafe