Answers for "Normalize transformation matrix and vertices after offsetter" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest answers for the question "Normalize transformation matrix and vertices after offsetter" Answer by daveatsafe


One way is to reproject the mesh:

- CoordinateSystemExtractor to get the current coordinate system in _coordsys attribute

- CsmapReprojector to reproject to local _AZMEA_ coordinate system.Set Vertical Handling to 'Heights are relative to the ellipsoid(s) or geocentric'

- CsmapReprojector to reproject back to coordinate system in attribute _coordsys.Same Vertical Handling.

This process works strictly on the Mesh vertices, and is quite fast.

Tue, 07 May 2019 16:08:40 GMT daveatsafe
Answer by sigtill

I have the same issue, the software reading my data "demands" a Transofmration matrix of 1,0,0,0 - 0,1,0,0 - 0,0,1,0 - 0,0,0,1.I have tried 3DAffiner, LocalCoordinateSystemsetter, According to the description the: GeometryInstantiator -// might work.

Replaces ageometry definitionwith independent geometry instances that are copies of the original geometry definition.The affine transformation that defined the position of each instance in the geometry definition, including position, scale, and rotation, is applied to each instance.

However it does not sem to work on IFMEMesh and the Vertex pools.I`m afraid I have to deaggregate everything - move the data and then create the Mesh again - which will take a long time to do on a large terrain model.Any good suggestions to try?@daveatsafemight be able to help?As it is also related to

Tue, 07 May 2019 10:39:16 GMT sigtill