Comments and answers for "Duplicating points" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest comments and answers for the question "Duplicating points" Comment by luckym on luckym's answer

Thank you@egommthis is it.

Wed, 20 Feb 2019 11:10:58 GMT luckym
Answer by ebygomm

I'd try the tiler to split the larger polygons up into say 125 *125 tiles, test for tiles over a certain size then use a CenterPointReplacer transformer(mode: Inside Point).

Wed, 20 Feb 2019 09:55:31 GMT ebygomm
Comment by luckym on luckym's answer

Hi@david_rmost of the parcels are irregular shapes and point should be distributed equaly across the parcels.I am aware that this is impossible and I would try your approach only problem is determining what cell size to set for 2DGridAccumulator.Thank you.

Wed, 20 Feb 2019 08:48:04 GMT luckym
Comment by nielsgerrits

I remember ablogpostfrom@dmitribagh, converting polygon to pointcloud, to get even spaced area's.It's from 2016 so maybe there are better solutions nowadays.

Tue, 19 Feb 2019 13:14:54 GMT nielsgerrits
Answer by david_r

For very irregular parcel shapes, how should the points be distributed?

Possible solution to create a regular grid of points inside each parcel:

  • 2DGridAccumulator to create a point grid
  • Bufferer on the parcel area with a negative value (this is to prevent points too close to the parcel border)
  • Clipper to only keep the grid points inside the parcel buffer
  • PointOnAreaOverlayer to check that the parcel contains at least one point, if not use the CenterPointReplacer to create one.

Tue, 19 Feb 2019 13:08:32 GMT david_r