Comments and answers for "Create attribute in loop with counter number in its name" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest comments and answers for the question "Create attribute in loop with counter number in its name" Comment by jeroen on jeroen's answer

Schemasetter did the trick.

For the formatting: @Evaluate(@round(@add(@Value(loopCounter),1),0))

Wed, 07 Nov 2018 16:02:44 GMT jeroen
Answer by jdh

Dynamically named attributes cannot be automatically exposed on the canvas and used by other transformers.

You can write them to a format if you use the SchemaSetter custom transformer and a writer set to Dynamic Schema Definition.

Personally I wouldn't use a loop at all, just a Cloner set to Max_Images, and build the attribute name from the _copynum attribute.This would also avoid the formatting issues of 2.0, 3.0, though that could be taken care of using the StringFormatter.

Wed, 07 Nov 2018 15:48:17 GMT jdh
Comment by jeroen on jeroen's answer

Thanks!Forgot that attributes could be hidden.The attribute exposer does not allow a value from attribute as input.But with manual inspection in the data inspector I can now see that the attributes are created but not showed in the endresult.Also the format is not what i would like.

Also: to solve the 2.0,3.0 I used @Evaluate(@round(@add(@Value(loopCounter),1),0))

Wed, 07 Nov 2018 15:37:12 GMT jeroen
Answer by ebygomm

It doesn't look like you are exposing the new attribute names?

Wed, 07 Nov 2018 15:27:57 GMT ebygomm
Comment by jeroen on jeroen's answer

reuploaded the file.Also the image was missing now...hope it works now or it could be that the forum has a hard time.

Wed, 07 Nov 2018 15:22:32 GMT jeroen
Answer by jdh

Like Takashi I cannot access your workspace, but in situations where @Value(attribute_name) hasn't worked in the past (double check that it's a capital V), I've had success with FMEFunctionCaller using the @SupplyAttributes(attrName,attrValue) function.

Wed, 07 Nov 2018 15:00:50 GMT jdh
Comment by jeroen

Corrected the x = 2 into x = 3 to match the named outcome correctly.

Wed, 07 Nov 2018 14:35:14 GMT jeroen
Comment by jeroen on jeroen's comment

This should work now.Do not know what the problem was but i re-uploaded the file.

Wed, 07 Nov 2018 14:33:46 GMT jeroen
Comment by takashi

The image and the workspace you have posted cannot be accessed for some reason.Could you please make sure that those have been uploaded correctly?

Wed, 07 Nov 2018 14:25:09 GMT takashi