Questions in topic: "sap" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "sap" Can we use FME server to automate SAP jobs? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Is there anyone who is using FME scheduler to automate SAP jobs?Our company is using SAP ERP software and we want to automate SAP jobs.SAP has its own job scheduler but it lacks many advanced features we are looking for.Like we want the scheduler to run periodic jobs which can ran only on working days with different parameters and dependencies like the next job should start only after finishing the first job;the second job should run after n +1 days after the first job etc...Some jobs will run on some days but it should have different run date like if it is running tonight,it should populate yesterdays' date as the job date.

Can anyone please let me know if FME server has these kind of advanced features to automate jobs?

fmeserver automation schedules sap Tue,07 Aug 2018 21:25:37 GMT rameshmohan