Answers for "Find Max and Min distance from polygons" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest answers for the question "Find Max and Min distance from polygons" Answer by takashi

Hi@mr_fme, you can get the minimum distance between two polygon datasets easily using the NeighborFinder, but getting the maximum distance may not be so easy.Hope this workflow would work as expected.

In this figure, the blue polygons and the red polygons represent two polygon datasets.The workflow above selects the largest one in all minimum spanning circles for every pair of red polygon and blue polygon.The diameter of the circle is the maximum distance between the two polygon datasets.

Sat, 14 Jul 2018 11:59:20 GMT takashi
Answer by danilo_fme


The transformer NeighborFinder generate a newlist of attribute: _distance.

After I think you can use the ListStatisticsCalculator and You'll receive the results max and Min.



Fri, 13 Jul 2018 14:44:00 GMT danilo_fme