Questions in topic: "cadastre" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "cadastre" Least Squares Adjustment https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Has anyone ever used FME to undertake a Least Squares Adjustment on survey data?

cad to gis conversion calculation cadastre Wed,31 Jul 2019 01:25:54 GMT deanhowell2009
Cadastral Survey CAD validation https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hello does anyone have some experience with using FME to validate CAD data provided by cadastral surveyors?

cad validate cadastre Fri,03 May 2019 11:17:06 GMT deanhowell2009
Best way to parse mixed variable and fixed width text file https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hi Guys,

I have a text file that contains both header information with necessary attribute fields and a fixed width set of sequential coordinates with bearing and distances that create the polygons of a cadastre.I need to create the polygons with the attributes attached.

If I read in the file as a CAT,I can't find a way to retrieve the attribute information at the top

If I read it as a text file,then split on the ----,I can sort of retrieve the header information as attributes,but then can't figure out how to extract the fixed width stuff into lists.

Also,all the the blank spaces are causing me issues in creating a set of headings,especially as the first line of the definition is blanks until you get to the radial,OR the E/N.

I was going to try to read these in as a sequential list - ie,each feature is also referencing the one before and the one should be relatively easy to do!

Any thoughts on the best way to do this?Sample text file attached.

(Definitions: I believe that bearing is the baring of the surveyed line,distance is chord distance,arc is arc distance,radius is radius of the arc circle part,radial is the angle at the start / end of the arc,TP stands for Tangent Point - not sure why TP is inconsistently applied though)

Thank you!!


polygon text arcs cat cadastre Mon,18 Jun 2018 23:27:22 GMT katrinaopperman