Answers for "Remove Attributes that contain all nulls" The latest answers for the question "Remove Attributes that contain all nulls" Answer by olivermorris < p >好的,我是匆忙的,把这个JSON format all the attributes now marked as missing are not included.

Excellent, thank you.

Wed, 13 Jun 2018 14:45:52 GMT olivermorris
Answer by olivermorris

Hi, thanks for the quick reply @erik_jan

Using this just turned the attributes to missing and not null, how do I actually remove the column/attribute?

Many Thanks

Wed, 13 Jun 2018 14:35:20 GMT olivermorris
Answer by erik_jan

You can use the NullAttributeMapper to do this:

Use the settings:

If attribute is Null then Map to Missing.

Wed, 13 Jun 2018 14:25:51 GMT erik_jan