Questions in topic: "perpendicular" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "perpendicular" Create a line perpendicular to another,starting from a given point https://knowledge.亚搏在线


I have some points,and those points have a POINT_NUMBER attribute.POINT_NUMBER is not unique.

I have some lines,and those lines have a LINE_NUMBER attribute.LINE_NUMBER is not unique.

For each point,I have to search for the closest line where POINT_NUMBER=LINE_NUMBER.

Then I have to draw a perpendicular segment from the point to the corresponding line,ending on the line.

Thank you for your help

segment closest perpendicular Wed,26 Sep 2018 14:17:06 GMT natte_be
how to calculate point perpendicular to nearest line from polygon with fixed distance https://knowledge.亚搏在线


Does somebody know if this is possible (check picture)?

I have a shapefile with polygons (BLACK),a shapefile with points (RED) and a pointcloud.

I want to make a donut (GREEN) around the polygons and clip my pointcloud with them.So I have pointclouds around my polygons.

That is what I have so far.

The next bit is more difficult and why I need help.

The points around the polygons should be moved perpendicular to the nearest line from the polygons and with a fixed distance from the polygons (PURPLE).Once I have those positions,I want a buffer around them and calculate the average height from the points from the pointcloud within the buffer.The average height should be written in the original shapefile with points (RED).

Some thoughts:

split the polygons into lines

search for nearest neighbour

if the directional coefficient is m then the perpendicular directional coefficient is -1/m

intersect perpendicular line with line from polygon

offset with fixed distance from intersect and along perpendicular line


calculate statistics


nearest perpendicular Tue,05年6月2018 14:33:16 GMT koenvdw