Questions in topic: "measured values" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "measured values" Extracting measurements from a line https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I am trying to create a process that will do a few things:

1.I need to create mile points between a beginning mile point and an ending mile point.

2.I need to be able to pull the nearest mile point from a line closest to the point feature.

I feel like I'm on the right track to successfully make this work,but something must be missing because theMeasureExtractortransformer is rejecting all measurements.

Clickhereto download a template of my workspace.

Any help is appreciated!Thank you!

measured values Wed,28 Nov 2018 15:10:48 GMT gallowayra
measure extraction and measure calibration https://knowledge.亚搏在线


I have roads with start and end measures.I use measure setter andthen measure extraction of whole line.I got measures on vertex like 179.789 and I'd like to have it like 180 (rounded numbers)

Is-itpossible to get measures as integer number?

Andanother problem that I have points with measures and I'd like tocalibrate my roads but calibration transformer give an error (pythonerror – index is out of range).

Anyidea how can solve those problems (I'm using fme 2018)


measure measured values Tue,16 Oct 2018 01:05:13 GMT miladahmad
Why is PointOnLineOverlayer producing more points than were input? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I have 208 points going through PointOnLineOverlayer and I am getting 238 points for output.I have tried various tolerance values to no avail.It appears that there is some duplication occurring.Has anyone else experienced this?

points pointonlineoverlayer measured values Fri,11 May 2018 15:20:34 GMT freddybutler