Questions in topic: "processing" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "processing" Workspace processing stalls at NeighborFinder in FME 2018. https://knowledge.亚搏在线


I have problem with FME 2018 where my workspace processing just stalls at one particular NeighborFinder transformer.The workspace has several NF transformers with fairly similar parameters,but only one is causing problems.It processes either one or none of the features after which nothing more happens,the processing just stalls.

I don't get any errors,FME doesn't crash,the last line in the log isProcessing base feature(s)...and even though the transformer should process the data in a couple of minutes,nothing happens even if I leave it running overnight.

However the workspace runs just fine on both FME 2018 and 2018.1 (32 bit) if I reduce the processing area,but even running the workspace at full processing extent,I don't seem to have any memory issues.Furthermore,I have tried to run the same workspace on FME 2017.1 and 2019 beta (32 bit) and there I have no issues whatsoever.Is it perhaps a bug of sorts in FME 2018?

The overview of the workspace in question:

neighborfinder fme 2018 processing stops Thu,10 Jan 2019 15:02:23 GMT hlh
Quick alternative to StatisticsCalculator? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I'm calling 6 separate StatisticsCalculator transformers,and they each take a (relatively) long time to run.All I'm calculating each time is a min,max and count attribute so this seems like overkill.

Is there an easy alternative I'm missing?Is there a way to use a math function against the entire dataset for example?

statisticscalculator math functions processing Wed,16 May 2018 15:16:25 GMT ld
API job completed notification https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hello the support team.

I am planning to call a FME workbench on our FME server and get the response back.The request will be passed to the FME server from a web application which uses .Net.与此同时,it is not clear how the processing time is handled at the client side.If the client pass a job to the FME server and getting the response takes 10 min,how this waiting time should be handled?What kind of parameters (response) from FME server tell the developer about the result?Is there any callback from the server or any other acknowledgment/timing/triggering mechanism?

Many thanks


api fme server api response processing callback Wed,02 May 2018 22:04:24 GMT mohsensichani