Comments and answers for "HTTPCaller, zillow" The latest comments and answers for the question "HTTPCaller, zillow" Comment by nathanatsafe on nathanatsafe's answer 做得好!谢谢你上传你的笔记,contributing to the community @jillmperi

Fri, 20 Apr 2018 20:06:27 GMT nathanatsafe
Answer by jillmperi

Thanks @NathanAtSafe,

I did find a work around...some notes for anyone else working on this:

There is a Zillow API Network that you have to sign up for to get a key code [your ID]. I was then able to "create" the websites for my specific properties from:[your ID]&ZPID=[your property Zpid]

(example from here: )

I was then able to use the HTTPCaller using that "created" website and the XMLFlattener to extract the zestimate (be sure to set Attributes to Expose to amount) and work from there.

Thanks @NathanAtSafe and @trentatsafe for your help! Hope these notes help someone else.

Fri, 20 Apr 2018 20:01:03 GMT jillmperi
Answer by nathanatsafe

Hi @jillmperi,

From the JavaScript spit into the response body, it looks like the Zillow page has some scripts protecting against scraping their website for data. Trying a few other URLs gives the same result - a captcha test is required. You might try rooting around the web page with the Developer console in Chrome open to try to understand the page source code, or perhaps get in touch with Zillow about how to work with their APIs.

Hope this helps!

Fri, 20 Apr 2018 18:26:59 GMT nathanatsafe