Questions in topic: "input" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "input" Can I start a reader with a choice of 2 input files location? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

As an additional source for a transformation I need an xml-File with a given name.This file can be located online (url-adress).If its not online the XML-Reader should use a local file (with the same name).How can I implement this in a Workspace?

Thanks for your help

xml reader input Fri,15 Feb 2019 15:08:57 GMT tschoppenhof
Prompt message or dialog box https://knowledge.亚搏在线

There should be a way to have a dialog box appear in the workspace to notify the user about the output of the transformer.There is the logger transformer,but the message supplied only appears in the translation log.It would be helpful if you could run the 亚搏在线workflow and get feedback that could then lead to alternative workflows depending on the output

transformer parameter input Wed,11 Jul 2018 19:00:35 GMT maryrichards364
FME Workbench 2017 error reading my R datafile (.rda) https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I'm having an FME Workbench 2017 error reading my R datafile (.rda) with the RDATA reader and the licensed,installed StatTransfer 12 necessary to enable the RDATA reader.The error message reads: "'The signature of the input file is not recognized.'" What does this mean?How do I fix it?

readers input rdata reader error signature Wed,11 Apr 2018 21:59:01 GMT jus10hollis
Use variable file for input https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Dear people,

I've to use zip files for input,and this file name is the actual date so that change everything,how can I do for that ?

Thank you for your help.

workbench zip files dynamic input Wed,28 Mar 2018 12:21:07 GMT lalandexavier