Comments and answers for "Measuring points along a line" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest comments and answers for the question "Measuring points along a line" Answer by erik_jan

I believe in your description the order is wrong:

You need to generate the measures before the PointonLineOverlayer:

The result shows the measure on the point:

Mon, 26 Mar 2018 15:15:31 GMT erik_jan
Comment by thorpesteve75 Typical, I post the question to my most annoying conundrum, and 1 hour later I crack it! For those that are interested I refined my workbench by:
Removing the geometry from my 3d shapefile of points, added a VertexCreator to add the X,Y back in, FeatureMerger by lineid and output a List, ListExploder, LengthtoPointCalculator, and finally recreated the VertexCreator which then has a measures attribute.

Mon, 26 Mar 2018 15:01:09 GMT thorpesteve75