问题的话题:“valuemapper” https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/topics/single/65625.html The latest questions for the topic "valuemapper" Calculate delta distance between two points https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/85432/calculate-delta-distance-between-two-points.html

Dear FME 亚搏国际在线官网community.

I try to calculate distance between a suit of points like that :

For that I make asorter>counterand I try anAttributeCreatorwithout success.

Have you got an idea ?

Thanks for your help

desktop attributecreator valuemapper Wed,16 Jan 2019 10:59:50 GMT lalandexavier
Attribute Value Mapper Import-Remove Duplicates https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/idea/72546/attribute-value-mapper-import-remove-duplicates.html

**I'm still using 2017.1,apologies if this has been resolved in a later version**

Currently when you use AttributeValueMapper,the import allows you to import duplicate values rather than check if you've already got the value and mapped it in the transformer.Can this be enhanced to recognise the values already mapped rather than keep adding the same value again?Or even better,to enable you to sort on the 'Source Value' field?

For Example,I'm consolidating a few datasets in FME hence might use the import feature twice once for a shapefile,another for a KML.I have High=1,Medium=2,Low=3 imported and mapped from the shp,then import the values from KML and get High (already exists),Very Low (new),Medium (already exists).

desktop duplicate cleanup valuemapper Mon,18 Jun 2018 00:21:58 GMT simonl
integrate AttributeValueMapper in AttributeManager https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/idea/65627/integrate-attributevaluemapper-in-attributemanager.html

I think it would be great to have the AttributeValueMapper integrated in the AttributeManager.Off course it is possible to create a list of conditional statements,but that works much slower (in both setting it up and running a workspace) than using a AttributeValueMapper.

I would love to see it as an extra option next to 'Conditional Statement'.

desktop attributemanager transformer attributevaluemapper improvement valuemapper Fri,09 Mar 2018 12:19:09 GMT lars_de_vries