在主题问题:“shapefile” https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/topics/single/65604.html The latest questions for the topic "point shapefile" Testing shapefile after PointOnAreaOverlayer? https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/73139/testing-shapefile-after-pointonpointoverlayer.html

Hey guys,

I'm struggling with testing a dataset after putting it through an POAOverlayer.I've got a shapefile with buffered points going into the area input and a shapefile of just points going into the point input.The output contains the data that I need with regard to having a clip of points within my areas of interest,but I need to test each individual area (200 of them) against the points within it and can't think of a way for the life of me.

I have tried a tester,but unfortunately this tests the whole datasets against each other,at least it did for the test I tried.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

pointonareaoverlayer shapefiles point shapefile Tue,26 Jun 2018 14:38:35 GMT samfarns
PointOnRasterValueExtractor vs Point Shapefile https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/65605/pointonrastervalueextractor-vs-point-shapefile.html

I want to know the value of a raster at specific points using the Point on RasterValueExtractor.Inputs are a raster and a point geometry shapefile (generated in another FME workspace).

I simply connect the raster and point shapefile in the PointOnRasterValueExtractor (they have the same coordinate system),where they should be connected.Yet it gives the following error:

PointOnRasterValueExtractor_2(VectorOnRasterOverlayFactory): Invalid point feature or feature with non-point geometry encountered.Only vector features with point geometry are currently supported

Are point shapefiles not supported?Do I need to transform my point shapefile in some way before using it for the RasterValueExtractor?

raster pointonrastervalueextractor point shapefile Fri,09 Mar 2018 10:28:41 GMT wolters