问题的话题:“arcpro” https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/topics/single/60074.html The latest questions for the topic "arcpro" Using Arcpy from desktop 32bit and ArcPro 64bit on Server https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/90293/using-arcpy-from-desktop-32bit-and-arcpro-64bit-on.html

We are looking at running ArcPy scripts built in ArcGIS desktop on FME Server 64 bit.Server is running ArcPro 3.5 Python.Some Arcpy libraries do not work with ArcPro.Has anyone figured out how to run both ArcPro 64bit libraries and ArcPy 32 bit from a FME workbench on Server.ArcPro python works fine as long as the python was written for ArcPro.

esri fmeserver arcpy arcpro Fri,12 Apr 2019 18:42:22 GMT brianapeters
Using arcpro liscence to open gdb https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/88586/using-arcpro-liscence-to-open-gdb.html

Hello,So I have an issue.I'm trying to run a workspace at work but there ar no standard arcgis licences avialable.So fme tries to use the arcpro licence.It gives this error: Unable to load a library in the folder: C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\bin.The error number returned from GetLastError is: 127

Arcpro is set to work offline and there are plenty licences available.Anyone has an idea of what might be the issue.Also,arcgis 10.6.1 is installed with the right version of background geoprocessing and the version of arcpro is 2.3.0.Thanks,


license arcgis pro arcpro Fri,15 Mar 2019 20:21:38 GMT simon_fb
FME Desktop 64-bit using ArcGIS Pro https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/60075/fme-desktop-64-bit-using-arcgis-pro.html

I have 64-bit FME Desktop installed (version 2017.1.1.1)

I also have ArcGIS Pro installed (version 2.0.1)

When trying to add readers requiring esri licensing,forexample Esri Geodatabase (File Geodb) or Esri Geodatabase (ArcSDEGeodb).I am getting the following error message…

Unable to perform any licensingrelated tasks.This 64-bit version of FME requires 64-bit BackgroundGeoprocessing,ArcGIS Pro or ArcGIS Server.Refer to this this articlehttp://fme.ly/quafor moredetails

I have added the path to the ArcGIS Pro executable to thesystem PATH environment variable.FME still does not seem to see thatArcGIS Pro is installed.What do I have to do to get FME desktop torecognize the installed ArcGIS Pro?

arcpro Thu,14 Dec 2017 22:15:29 GMT brianapeters