Questions in topic: "collada" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "collada" Normalize transformation matrix and vertices after offsetter https://knowledge.亚搏在线


I'm trying to convert 3D faces / meshes from DWG to Collada meshes to be used in 3D Studio Max.Moving data closer to origo with offsetter and 3D affiner both seem to work,but not quite.In collada all vertices reside in original coordinate system space (EPSG:3878) and only transformation matrix is being moved.Perfect situation would be that transformation matrices would be normalized to 0...1 space and each vertice would be near origo (few thousand units distance).

Transformation matrices look like this in inspector;

| 1 0 0 -24000000 |

| 0 1 0 -6800000 |

| 0 0 1 0 |

| 0 0 0 1 |

and in collada;

1 0 0 -24000000 0 1 0 -6800000 0 0 1 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0

I'd guess normalizing transformation matrix to 0...1 range would solve this issue.Which translator is able to do that in FME?

"Move to local coordinate system" in writer is not suitable in my use case.

offsetter collada transformation matrix local coordinate system Wed,13 Mar 2019 15:10:24 GMT kino
Converting COLLADA to CityGML https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hello everybody!Can anybody explain to me how to convert collada to citygml using FME?Thank you!

gml citygml collada dae Thu,31 Jan 2019 21:22:17 GMT ljubisajurosevi
SketchUp does not display all buildings when opening .kmz-file https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I have converted a textured Collada model into .kmz-format in FME (still using v 2016.1 due to IT-related questions).I have converted several buildings and I can see them all when opening the resulting .kmz-file in FME Data inspector and Google earth.However,when opening the file in Sketchup and another visualization software we are using it only reads one model from the file.

Anyone bumped into this problem before?

kmz collada Wed,24 Oct 2018 15:08:39 GMT tornbladcarolin
Saving FMT (3D transformation) file with same name of output file https://knowledge.亚搏在线


I produce Collada and GLTF files on both of local and world coordinates with FME.My purpose is preparing untextured Collada files,edit them with Blender or 3D Studio Max and finally reproduce GLTF files using Collada format.I would say that FMT files are very useful in our progress,because whenever we try to represent Collada or GLTF files in world coordinates,it is cause to some rendering problems.3D files in local coordinates with 3D transformation matrix solve both of real-coordinates and rendering problems.

How ever,

We noticed some issues with FMT files.One of them is FME could not copy FMT files into folders which created by "Fanout Dataset".We copy FMT files manually or by help of batch scripting.

Also there are some other issues,occurs during multiple reading of Collada with FMT files process,which i could not remember for now.

I suggest that FMT files should share same name with output files,just like additional files (CPG,PROJ) in a shape file collection.Same formal logic for 3D geometries and objects.So,FMT files can easily adapted in batch progresses with 3D geometries.

solid gltf collada transformations Mon,22 Oct 2018 11:18:55 GMT muratkendir
IFC to COLLAD.How can I specify the feature index as a constraint on the reader? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I have made a workspace from IFC to COLLADA.However my writer doesn't write a working .dae file when I try opening it i get this message:

An error occurred while constructing the geometry with id 'g_1'A
        element with a 'count' of '129' contains an incorrect number of indices i it's

elementA fatal error has occurred.Check the logfile above for detailsFailed to specify the feature index as constraints on the reader

How can I specify the feature index as a constraint on the reader?and what does it mean?

The element with a 'count' of '129' contains 388 indices in it's

element,I think it should be 129*3 = 387 indices.If I understand the COLLADA specifications correctly Count specifies the number of indices and p are the indices.But reading COLLADAS specefications are unforunatly breaking my brain.

The specified geometry looks like this:

          12.379913955959008 -9.05464010253375 32829.9872193524 12.347230843252584 -9.218941046634487 32829.9872193524 12.182929277728674 -9.251621037322069 32829.9872193524 -12.380075342756067 -7.928370423883756 32829.9872193524 -12.183090663230168 -7.731389488257408 32829.9872193524 -12.380079647654854 -8.381387616970896 32829.9872193524 -9.67007346946219 -7.731413369428216 32829.9872193524 -12.347392229915142 -7.764069478129991 32829.9872193524 -12.380136665151742 -14.381387616196514 32829.9872193524 1.5742714997708924 14.892769142980583 32829.9872193524 1.252765659046104 15.021478324464992 32829.9872193524 1.443290419957171 15.031491548105983 32829.9872193524 -8.904705158716588 -7.579179708189259 32829.9872193524 -7.82230267198171 -6.496797794031872 32829.9872193524 -7.6700544634861965 -5.73143237459321 32829.9872193524 -0.03330950846101708 -9.837291386690186 32829.9872193524 -0.4668611756355056 -10.486133961471833 32829.9872193524 12.379967659366683 -3.4033967862067507 32829.9872193524 -7.66988270895535 12.34235694172125 32829.9872193524 -7.628776747005392 12.528849070145165 32829.9872193524 -7.459929283285457 12.61806537054556 32829.9872193524 1.380909621128553 -9.251518386576105 32829.9872193524 12.240275471835933 -2.8986945081292523 32829.9872193524 0.6155413104296038 -9.403752048905368 32829.9872193524 -0.61910938401485 -11.251499380968458 32829.9872193524 -8.255854340674972 -7.145640371365003 32829.9872193524 -0.6191434336805777 -14.834516572651017 32829.9872193524 -0.8161281121484668 -15.031497507963266 32829.9872193524 -1.2691453056621618 -15.031493204619949 32829.9872193524 -0.6518265469146229 -14.99881751769799 32829.9872193524 -12.183160034937504 -15.031389488260201 32829.9872193524 -12.380140970056402 -14.834404808799835 32829.9872193524 -12.347460980218075 -14.998706375336958 32829.9872193524 -12.347460980218075 -14.998706375336958 34105.29035331253 -12.380140970056402 -14.834404808799835 34105.29035331253 -12.183160034937504 -15.031389488260201 34105.29035331253 -1.2691453056621618 -15.031493204619949 34105.29035331253 -0.8161281121484668 -15.031497507963266 34105.29035331253 -0.6518265469146229 -14.99881751769799 34105.29035331253 -0.6191434336805777 -14.834516572651017 34105.29035331253 -0.61910938401485 -11.251499380968458 34105.29035331253 -0.4668611756355056 -10.486133961471833 34105.29035331253 -0.03330950846101708 -9.837291386690186 34105.29035331253 0.6155413104296038 -9.403752048905368 34105.29035331253 1.380909621128553 -9.251518386576105 34105.29035331253 12.182929277728674 -9.251621037322069 34105.29035331253 12.347230843252584 -9.218941046634487 34105.29035331253 12.379913955959008 -9.05464010253375 34105.29035331253 12.379967659366683 -3.4033967862067507 34105.29035331253 12.240275471835933 -2.8986945081292523 34105.29035331253 1.5742714997708924 14.892769142980583 34105.29035331253 1.443290419957171 15.031491548105983 34105.29035331253 1.252765659046104 15.021478324464992 34105.29035331253 -7.459929283285457 12.61806537054556 34105.29035331253 -7.628776747005392 12.528849070145165 34105.29035331253 -7.66988270895535 12.34235694172125 34105.29035331253 -7.6700544634861965 -5.73143237459321 34105.29035331253 -7.82230267198171 -6.496797794031872 34105.29035331253 -8.255854340674972 -7.145640371365003 34105.29035331253 -8.904705158716588 -7.579179708189259 34105.29035331253 -9.67007346946219 -7.731413369428216 34105.29035331253 -12.183090663230168 -7.731389488257408 34105.29035331253 -12.347392229915142 -7.764069478129991 34105.29035331253 -12.380075342756067 -7.928370423883756 34105.29035331253 -12.380079647654854 -8.381387616970896 34105.29035331253 -12.380136665151742 -14.381387616196514 34105.29035331253

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ifc clipper collada ifc reader reader constraint Fri,19 Oct 2018 01:04:16 GMT hadhafang
Replacing a point feature with 3D objects (sketchup or collada) https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I am trying to replace point features (shapefile format) with 3D objects (sketchup,collada,etc.)

I thought geometry replacer will carry out the task.But,I am not able to do this

Pls help.Thanks in advance

point collada replace object Mon,07 May 2018 13:41:48 GMT vishnuedakkat93
Error: The primitive geometry type 'lines' is not supported by the Collada reader https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I'am inspecting a kmz-file.

As I do i get an error that reads like this:

XML Reader mapped feature # 110000The primitive geometry type 'lines' is not supported by the Collada readerAn error occurred while constructing the geometry with id 'ID150892'A '
        ' element was found which did not contain a '
        ' elementA fatal error has occurred.Check the logfile above for detailsClosing the Collada readerKML: No model data read from referenced file `models/untitled.dae'

I am not entirely sure what it means or how to rectify it.The .kmz-file can be read by google earth without any major hickups.


  1. What does it mean?
  2. How can I fix it?

lines kmz collada Tue,27 Feb 2018 15:17:45 GMT hadhafang
Collada instance materials with external reference targets https://knowledge.亚搏在线


I have a special collada file is seems.FME is able to correctly read and view the model however when it comes to textures,it's falling over.

We have a .dae file that uses Instance_material to refer to a target file directory and also makes reference to an object in the same call.




I found only one reference to someone with a similar issue.

I used for reference

and .

In theory it should work,but perhaps this is not supported in the Collada reader?


3d collada Tue,13 Feb 2018 15:06:33 GMT pat8037
Models in COLLADA and OBJ formats can not be selected separately in FME https://knowledge.亚搏在线

The file formats for my model are COLLADA and OBJ.When I read the file with FME,I noticed that I could not pick a single entity on the model.The FME will automatically integrate the model into a whole,is it?In this case,my model exports files in other formats(as 3d tiles) via FME,and can I separately pick a single entity on the model?

obj collada i want to pick a single entity on the model Wed,29 Nov 2017 07:57:33 GMT zhengsy
Some issues with the coordinate system on 3d tiles. https://knowledge.亚搏在线


I tried a lot of formats to convert 3d tiles,but the result was not good.I mainly want to talk about some of the problems with the coordinate system during COLLADA's conversion of 3d tiles.There are two sources for my COLLADA files,the first one is exported from Blender software and the second one is exported using the openCOLLADA plugin for Autodesk 3dsmax software.

In order to find a suitable coordinate system,I used a model with only one green sphere to do the test.I use the default parameter settings to read the COLLADA file and select unknown and EPSG: 4326 (wgs84) coordinate system.The coordinate system of 3d tiles file is same as source.When I load the exported 3d tiles into cesium,there are three results.

1、The model appears in the center of the earth.Cesium currently does not support placing models under the ground,so nothing can be seen.

2、The model disappears in a flash,and the camera catches the ocean.

3、There is the strange result,I do not know how to describe......

I encountered similar problems when I generated 3d tiles using other file formats.I tried to redefine the position of the model in cesium and I successfully redefined the official 3d tiles provided by cesium.Unfortunately,it does not work for the 3d tiles that I generate,maybe because of the coordinate system or anything else I do not know.

This is not what I'm good at,so the problems I've encountered may be small cases for you.I can provide a correct COLLADA file,I hope FME official can successfully turn into 3d tiles and can be displayed normally in cesium.If you succeed,I hope you can tell me what is wrong and how to solve it.

Thanks a lot!

In addition,I used Blender exported COLLADA file to generate 3d tiles.When loaded in cesium,the system throws an error: can not find the corresponding json file (very strange problem).

3d coordinate systems collada Wed,29 Nov 2017 07:10:37 GMT zhengsy
Decreasing file size of B3DM files in Cesium 3DTiles after convert process with FME https://knowledge.亚搏在线


We have a large dataset containing about 35.000 buildings in KML + Collada file format.

After converting process of this file (KML to Cesium 3DTiles),we have noticed that file size of B3DM files are very large for cesium platform.B3DM file sizes vary between 37 KB and 278 MB.File size of JSON file is 156 KB.

Do you have any suggestions for optimizing B3DM file sizes for best performance on web?

3d KML cesium collada Fri,24 Nov 2017 17:25:02 GMT muratkendir