Questions in topic: "jpeg reader" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "jpeg reader" I want to saperate out jpg files from a folder into another folder querying based on character present in jpg file names.For example of any file has Character "A" then those files should be copied to my output folder. https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Details :

I tried to add Dataset & Pathname reader followed by StringSearcher,FeatureReader and writer as format JPEG.

I am getting desired output till feature reader,when i checked with logged but i am not getting files in output folder.

filename copying files jpeg reader Tue,13 Mar 2018 18:27:42 GMT shweta
How do I read EXIF information from a database? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I've got a MSSQL database that stores JPEG images in a varbinary(max) field.I can of course bring this data into FME desktop with either the SQL Creator or the MSSQL_ADO reader.I also know I can get at the EXIF information using the JPEG reader and exposing those attributes.Where I get stuck is how to get from the fme-binary data into the JPEG reader to expose that meta data.Ultimately I'm trying to extract the GPS coordinates from the JPEG but nothing I've tried has worked.Since this is an ARCmap Feature Attachment table I can't be the first person who wants to extract the timestamp and GPS to verify or update the feature data to which the attachment is associated,but I can't figure it out.

fme desktop 2017 jpeg reader varbinary jpeg Tue,14 Nov 2017 21:27:18 GMT plidian