Comments and answers for "SDE Table not being read in workbench. PLEASE READ" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest comments and answers for the question "SDE Table not being read in workbench. PLEASE READ" Comment by trentatsafe on trentatsafe's comment Hi @sav426

If you have two separate readers, you can toggle the reader(that contains the feature type you wish to read first) to the top of the Navigator pane, so it should be the first reader in the Navigator.Alternatively, if you have only 1 reader, with multiple feature types I believe you can move the feature type to the top of the canvas(so that is is the first feature vertically).

Let me know if that helps.
Tue, 14 Nov 2017 19:08:02 GMT trentatsafe
Comment by sav426 on sav426's answer Hi Trent Ive figured out my problem.

How do I get the TABLE records to read BEFORE anything else?

That seems to be the issue.

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 18:45:02 GMT sav426
Comment by sav426 on sav426's answer hi there.

A cutout is an electrical device aka as a fuse.It is a point object and the parent record.Its also its own feature in the SDE named ELECTRIC.CUTOUT

The cutout Table is the child record and is a sde table object within the SDE.

It is a 1 to many join (1 parent to multi children)

Within the SDE is a relationclass between these two objects.

Can that be duplicated within FME?If not then I pull out the Table and use feature merger to join the objects.

The table was NOT reading yesterday but is today and I believe that to not be an FME issue but a network issue here.

To sum it up:

Can relationship classed between parent and child be made at point of reading the feature instead of having to bring in the tables and use the featuremerger transformer?


Tue, 14 Nov 2017 18:41:03 GMT sav426
Answer by trentatsafe


I have a couple of questions to ensure I am understanding your workflow regarding reading the child records of the parent table.

1) What do you mean when you refer to a Cutout Object?Are you referring to a view(thus a sample of the original table)?

2) Currently, my thought process is you have two tables(Parent1 and Child1).The Child1 Table contains the Child records of the Parent1 table.With a Relationship class joining them.Currently, if you read in the Parent table, you do no receive the records from the Child table.Is that correct?

3) What type of Relationship class is joining the two features?Simple or Composite?Attributed or Non-Attributed?
1-1, 1-M, or M-N?

Tue, 14 Nov 2017 17:45:04 GMT trentatsafe