Questions in topic: "connect database" https://knowledge.亚搏在线网站 The latest questions for the topic "connect database" FME CONNECTION https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Dear FME users,

我有个错误:解密数据时出错。Most likely this is because the encryption key is incorrect.Please contact your administrator to retrieve the correct encryption key.


Remote environment: Windows Server 2012 R2 machines with RDP (remote desktop)

The workspace is managed by RES/Ivanti v10.2.with separate autorisation




and FME: PATH=I:\APP\Oracle\client11g\x64\11.2.0\client_1\bin;%PATH%

The netwokdisk "I" is mapped for every employee.


With 2 colleges we work with FME.

In FME options we have the following in Default Path:


公钥文件:i:\appdata\fme\fme_conn\fme_public key.jceks

私钥文件:“c:\users\piep0804\appdata\roaming\safe software\亚搏在线fme\fme\u private key.jceks”

In the Database connections we only use PUBLIC connections.

The only difference between us is that my collegue works on a different remote environment.

Connection string:


解密数据时出错。Most likely this is because the encryption key is incorrect.Please contact your administrator to retrieve the correct encryption key.

解密数据时出错。Most likely this is because the encryption key is incorrect.Please contact your administrator to retrieve the correct encryption key.

This error occurs even when I close FME and reboot my system.



What causes this problem?

Is there a logfile with more information we can study and where can we find this?

Many thanks for your support

连接数据库 connection error Thu,28 Feb 2019 12:21:08 GMT 佩里
DB connections as parameters parsed as text and not as connection string https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I have several SQL executors spread across a large number of workbenches which I am now moving from the the Development to the Production environment,for this reason I have to change (hopefully in a clever way) the connection strings for every SQL transformer.In order to make it easy and only have to change one parameter I am trying to make the DB connection as a published parameter.有一个名为“environment”的参数文本,它可以是“development”或“production”,这反过来就像是参数“db connection”的条件值,它应该告诉SQL Transformer(即SQLExecutor,SQLCreatoretc) which db connection to open.In order to do it I followed the example shown in this answer:条件.jpg(73.5 kb)


Unfortunately the mechanism does not work,当工作流命中条件值亚搏在线fme(服务器和桌面)而不是读取表达式的结果时,它会读取表达式本身的文本(可能是fme用来解析条件语句的内部语言),请参见附件。

Is it something I am doing wrong or is it a problem with FME?我在其他地方看到过很多这种“解析”问题(例如,python脚本,fmejob提交者)。Could anyone help?

参数 conditional values 连接数据库 Mon,01 Oct 2018 15:42:07 GMT 亚历克西斯克里斯
User encryption is specified but can't find key to decrypt https://knowledge.亚搏在线

我已经用FME64B本地连接到了SQL Server。


Error: COM.亚搏在线safe.fmeserver.api.FMEServerException: User encryption is specified but can't find key to decrypt.

and The connection to the host ...,命名实例….,…failed.Error: " Receive timed out".验证服务器和实例名称,并检查是否没有防火墙阻止到端口1434的UDP通信。For SQL Server 2005 or later,verify that the SQL Server Browser Service is running on the host.



According to the DBA-er nothing has changed (ports are ok and there is no firewall inbetween) and when I try to log in with SQL DEVELOPER there is no problem.So I tried different varieties as :




Do you have an idea what might be wrong and how I can fix this?

Thanks for your reply.

SQL Server connections 连接数据库 Thu,2018年7月26日11:08:30格林尼治标准时间 佩里
Dynamic database connection with published parameters https://knowledge.亚搏在线网站


我正在开发一个工作流,它可以对不同的亚搏在线数据集进行一些简单的计算,但只能在我选择的一个数据库中进行。Each project has its own database with tables(data sets) and i would like to connect to them by just giving FME the pXXX project number and data set number.I tried to use published parameters to set the same values that i normally use in a more static 亚搏在线workflow.这最后一个错误当添加读者。




文件“”中取消引用的未定义宏“database”程序终止转换失败。工作区生成失败。Parameter file was C:\Users\Jeroen.GPA\AppData\Local\Temp\FME_1510569791750_7796.

Is it not possible to set the database into a parameter or do i need to save it as something else than text?Or is there another way to get dynamic connections to different databases on the same server(login credentials are the same for all tables and databases on that host and port).

edit: i,of course,filled in the host,port and other information that is missing in naamloos.pgn.

参数 mysql 连接数据库 mariadb Mon,13 Nov 2017 11:51:44 GMT jdh009
FME Server fails to connect to PostgreSQL database https://knowledge.亚搏在线


我在通过FME服务器运行SQLCreator时遇到问题。It fails to connect to the database with error message:

"Error connecting to PostgreSQL database(host='limvir105',port='5432',dbname='geobim_telia_gbg',user='postgres',password='***'): 'FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host "fe80::51ee:2c01:b3b3:c2f8%12",user "postgres",database "geobim_telia_gbg",SSL off"

I have another DB on相同的server that runs perfectly fine.

Does anyone know how to solve this problem?

postgis 连接数据库 Thu,26 Oct 2017 14:59:58 GMT 1991年曼德森