Questions in topic: "fme desktop 2017" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "fme desktop 2017" How to control what type of arc is created with the GMLFeatureComposer https://knowledge.亚搏在线


I wonder how I can control what type of Arc is created with GMLFeatureComposer.

I have tried to convert every nativ IFMEArc to Arc by 3 points,by using a PathSplitter,GeometryFilter ArcStroker (number of interpolated egdes = 2) ArcEstimator-> now every Arc is IFMEArc Arc by 3 points.then I send them into the GMLFEatureComposer and output is:

         610994.229288738 6650770.14554273


I want:

         60.02 10.1 60.01 10.2 60.03 10.03


Don't mind the numbers its from 2 different examples.

How can I control what type of arc is created?

fme desktop 2017 gmlfeaturecomposer Tue,09 Oct 2018 12:31:19 GMT paalped
The error number from Arcobjects is '-2147216556' https://knowledge.亚搏在线


So before anything I've been browsing this topics for a week now,with no solution in sight.

An error occurred while attempting to open an insert cursor on the table 'XXXX'.The error number from ArcObjects is: '-2147216556'.The error message from ArcObjects is: {Objects in this class cannot be updated outside an edit session [XXXX]}A fatal error has occurred.Check the logfile above for details

What i've been trying:

Change Transaction type to: 1: Versioned Edist Session,2:Non- versioned Edit Session,3: Transactions,4:None

Delete all attributes on a given feature to see if some was causing trouble

Override username,password with the sde user

Checking that there are no locks on the feature

Asserting correct FeatureClass or table Name

Asserting correct FeatureClass or table Qualifier

Asserting correct Feature Dataset

Asserting correct geometry type

Drop Table (yes and no)

Truncate table (yes and no)

Tried setting the attribute geodb_feature_dataset manually with correct values

And lastly toggle all advance options on the feature writer.

And for a last information the topology is enabled for the feature dataset I'm trying to write to.

I have also tried to recreate the sde connection file

I tried to create a new version in the ArcCatalog and create an sde connection file that points to the new version

Please anyone who can point me in the right direction to solve this will be highly appreciated :)

arcsde arcobjects fme desktop 2017 Wed,2018年10月3日07:09:30 GMT paalped
Does the FME Desktop 2017 support the Direct Access connectivity over IPv6 https://knowledge.亚搏在线

We are using the FME Desktop 2017.1.1.1 on Windows 10 machine,it works when connected to the Office network,however,when trying to access over the DirectAccess VPN solution,it is not able to connect to the License server

Client Machine - Windows 10

Direct Access Server - Windows 2016

fme desktop 2017 Mon,17 Sep 2018 14:21:37 GMT ravikanthchinth
processing dgn error f_67(CreationFactory) https://knowledge.亚搏在线

My 亚搏在线workflow successfully read in the 600,000 dgn features,ran through a Matcher transformer to eliminate duplicates,was going through a featuremerger and geometry filter where it bombed as it was writing to shapefiles.The error -

f_67(CreationFactory):Error - Number of measures found on the 'line/path' geometry did not matchfeatures number of coordinates

I have my Reader set to Master coordinate units.Has anyone seen this error and is there either a setting or some other filter/transformer that can be added to fix this?

I'm reading MicroStation V8,processing in FME 2017

microstation dgn fme desktop 2017 Tue,14 Aug 2018 16:39:27 GMT tsurveyor
How can I install by command line a custom transformer with a silent fme command? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I have organize my workspace with custom transformers,some of them can be reuse in other workspace.Now I have 11 custom transformers and I work with a team of 5 people and each one can update o create new version of this transformers.I have Install them as documentation saidhere,it takes to some time.How can install all transformers in a windows folder in silent mode by command line or other way?

custom transformers fme desktop 2017 fme server 2017 linked custom transformer embedded transformers Thu,09 Aug 2018 20:49:55 GMT ediaze
FME 2017.0 add new ArcSDE Reader issues - ArcObjects -2147216072 https://knowledge.亚搏在线


Here is my problem: When I tried to add ArcSDE Reader to connect to ArcSDE 10.2.2 database that hosted on Oracle 12c,I got error that below.The error message is so general,I cannot figurate it out where the error come from.

fme desktop 2017 readers writers Tue,07 Aug 2018 20:31:04 GMT jixinguan
FME workbench fire some event that I can program when I publishing to FME Server? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I want to remove default content for each published parameter to avoid errors from develop to testing environment.The QA person can supply values according to the test data,not taking the values that the developer used for the unit tests.

published parameters fme desktop 2017 Mon,16 Jul 2018 21:02:49 GMT ediaze
Using saved cookies in HTTP caller https://knowledge.亚搏在线


I made a successful HTTP call (POST) and saved cookies.

And also I was able to make GET HTTP call 1 using the above cookies in the Header fields.

I also need to make another subsequent HTTP call 2 with already saved cookies earlier.How can I make this subsequent request with already saved cookies?

Currently I get unauthorized error.


Thank You,

fme desktop 2017 Mon,02 Jul 2018 16:29:38 GMT fmeuser_gc
Is there a way to manage transactions parent-child records in MSSQL using FeatureWriter or SQLExecutor? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

My workspace failured saving child records to a table in MSSQL inside a custom transformer named "SaveRunStops",but the parent records was committed to the database.How can I guarantee that all parent and child records are in the same transaction?


I would appreciate any help you can give me

custom transformers sql server featurewriter sqlexecutor fme desktop 2017 Thu,24 May 2018 14:34:34 GMT ediaze
How can I replace all Custom Transformer for the same transformer as Linked Custom Transformer? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

In FME 2017.1 I created a custom transformer in my workspace and I having using it to much.So I exported it as a Linked Custom Transformer but the before Transformer remains in my workspace.How can I replace all my old Custom transformers with my new Exported Linked Custom Transformer?

custom transformers fme desktop 2017 linked custom transformer Wed,23 May 2018 22:12:14 GMT ediaze
Batch export from Rvz to GDB in FME https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hello ,

I think this is the right place to get answer for my question

I have Batch of Revit Files which are converted in to .rvz through FME Exporter

Now i need to convert them in to .gdb using FME Software

I have a knowledge converting single files from .rvz to .gdb


Please help me to find out this process..

Thanks in advance..

fme desktop 2017 revit exporter plugin Mon,09 Apr 2018 14:53:54 GMT bchaitu786
Batch export from .RVZ to .GDB using FME Desktop software https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hello all,

I think this is the right place to get answer to my question..

I have a batch of Revit files converted them in to .RVZ using FME Exporter and i need to convert them in to .GDB files by using FME Desktop .

I have a knowledge creating them as a single file (RVZ----GDB)

But am looking for Batch process to convert .RVZ files to .GDB files.

Please help me out ..

Thanks in advance ...

fme fme desktop 2017 rvz Mon,09 Apr 2018 04:50:28 GMT chaitanya
What are the naming conventions for FME transformers? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Many programming languages define naming conventions to allow easy understanding of code for other programmer.

Are there any standards defined for FME Authoring workspace?

transformers fme desktop 2017 fme authoring Thu,29 Mar 2018 12:53:22 GMT ediaze
How can I create unit testing for my workspace? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I'm C# and Angular developer.I have been developing 亚搏在线workflows with FME for 1 year.In C# I have xUnit to execute TDD.How can I develop TDD for FME Authoring.

I have many workspaces and some times perform a change or fix a bug.It require a lot of time to validate each business rule,covert most scenarios an avoid injectecting bugs.How can I test my authoriting more afficiently or automatized?

fme desktop 2017 fme server 2017 unit testing Thu,29 Mar 2018 11:03:48 GMT ediaze
How do I know if my workspace is running on FME Server or FME Desktop? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I have one workspace "solve-route-master.fmw" and I need to run a subprocess "solve-route.fmw".Depending if my process it is running on FME Server or FME Desktop by command line I need to use FMEServerJobSubmitter or WorkspaceRunner.How can I validate on a Tester which transformer must be use?

fme desktop 2017 Fri,09 Mar 2018 17:58:19 GMT ediaze