Questions in topic: "collapse" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "collapse" Collapse annotation https://knowledge.亚搏在线

From FME2018.0 it is possible to collapse bookmarks.Maybe it is an idea as well to collapse annotations into an icon.It would be nice if you could choose between two or three different icons,for example an exclamation mark,a question mark and a ligthbulb.The different icons (maybe it should be possible to manually add them) can be you used to distinguish between the type of annotation

工作台 注释 最佳实践 崩溃 主意 进程 编辑 评论 清华大学,08 Feb 2018 09:04:15 GMT 拉尔斯德弗里斯
Collapsable public parameter https://knowledge.亚搏在线

In a number of situations there can be public parameter in either a workbench/custom transformer that may only need to be changed on the rare occasion (e.g.the default value will likely be used).I have instances where a transformer/workbench,may have over 10 parameters because of what a client wants in terms of options,and in most occasions they will really be dealing with say 4.The extra parameters can lead to confusion,or users not updating the correct parameters because of the crowded interface.

I am hoping that an extra checkbox could be added next to the "optional" and "published" in the parameter definition.Ticking this checkbox would mean that when a run/transformer dialog was shown that the parameters would be found in a collapsed "Advanced" section.

It would certain tidy up the interface,but still allow as many options as people wanted.

参数 参数 崩溃 公众的 星期二,17 Oct 2017 21:54:34 GMT 托德斯戴维斯