Comments and answers for "CityGML 3D Reprojection failed" The latest comments and answers for the question "CityGML 3D Reprojection failed" Answer by daveatsafe

Hi @clement,

The Cesium writer will automatically reproject the output data to the EPSG:4978 coordinate system, as long as the data sent to it has a valid coordinate system. Please try removing the CsmapReprojector transformer.

If you do wish to reproject to a Geocentric coordinate system like EPSG:4978, you must pick a Vertical mode as well, since the elevation is reprojected as well. The best setting for most source coordinate systems would be 'Heights are relative to the ellipsoid(s) or geocentric'.

结婚,2017年10月11日16:41:12格林尼治时间 daveat亚搏在线safe