答案”。蒋春暄对于费马大定理iCad格式吗?” https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/55225/flt-to-icad-format.html. 问题的最新答案“.flt到iCAD格式?” Nathanatsafe回答亚搏在线 https://knowledge.safe.com/answers/55446/view.html

@terraspatial ,感谢您上传文件!我一直在玩它,我想我已经意识到它为什么不适用于我们的OpenFlight读者。您的文件实际上是一个 esri gridfloat格式哪个不一样类型的.flt文件作为我们的.flt读者期望。


这种格式是我们的光栅开发人员已知的,并计划在将来的一段时间(完全未知)实现。如果您想激发更多格式的对话,并且您真的希望看到FME的支持,我建议在我们的<目标=“_空白”href =“https://knowledge.safe.com/中发布亚搏在线内容/想法/ list.html“>想法论坛。这是关键安全假装,以了解开发和产品设亚搏在线计来寻找未来版本的想法。



星期三,2017年10月11日23:45:52 GMT Nathanat亚搏在线safe. 壁纸回答 https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/answers/55412/view.html.

I've started the upload of the file, @NathanAtSafe. It should be complete within an hour or so.

2017年10月11日星期三19:48:23 GMT terraspatial
壁纸回答 https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/answers/55367/view.html.

刚刚发布了错误 @nathanatsafe 亚搏在线 星期三,2017年10月11日15:28:23 GMT terraspatial 壁纸回答 https://knowledge.safe.com/answers/55331/view.html



fme 2017.1.0.0(20170731 - Build 17539 - Win64)

fme_home是'c:\ program files \ fme \'





启动 - processid:22416,峰值过程内存用法:30252 kB,当前过程内存使用率:30120 kB

fme配置:命令行参数是`c:\ program files \ fme \ fme.exe'`c:\用户\ terra \ appdata \ local \ temp \ wb-xlate-1507720077781_9392''log_standardout'`是'logcountservername'` {4b416b36-0ed5-4c7e-b089-75fc94028d97}'

格式的共享文件夹是:c:\ program files \ fme \ datasources; c:\用户\ terra \ documents \ fme \ formats 变形金刚的共享文件夹是:C:\ Program Files \ FME\变形金刚; C:\用户\ terra \ documents \ fme \变换器

共享文件夹坐标系是:C:\用户\ terra \ documents \ fme \ coordinateystems

坐标系例外的共享文件夹是:c:\ users \ terra \ documents \ fme \ coordinateystemExceptions

用于坐标系网格覆盖的共享文件夹是:C:\ users \ terra \ documents \ fme \ coordinateystemgridoverRide

CS-Map转换的共享文件夹是:C:\ Users \ Terra \ Documents \ FME \ CSMapTransformationExceptions

变压器类别的共享文件夹是:c:\ users \ terra \ documents \ fme \ transformergories







fme配置:当前工作文件夹是`c:\ users \ terra \ appdata \ local \ temp'

fmE Configuration: Temporary folder is `C:\Users\terra\AppData\Local\Temp', set from environment variable `TEMP'

FME Configuration: FME_HOME is `C:\Program Files\FME\'

FME Configuration: FME_BASE is 'no'

FME Configuration: FME_MF_DIR is 'C:\Users\terra\AppData\Local\Temp/'

FME Configuration: FME_MF_NAME is 'wb-xlate-1507720077781_9392'

FME Configuration: FME_PRODUCT_NAME is 'FME(R) 2017.1.0.0'

System Status: 393.61 GB of disk space available in the FME temporary folder (C:\Users\terra\AppData\Local\Temp)

System Status: 128.00 TB of virtual memory available

Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (Build 15063)

FME Platform: WIN64

Locale: en_US

Code Page: 1252 (ANSI - Latin I)

FME Configuration: Process limit is 15.87 GB of physical memory

FME Configuration: Start freeing memory when process usage exceeds 47.62 GB of virtual memory

FME Configuration: Stop freeing memory when process usage is below 35.71 GB of virtual memory

Creating writer for format:

Creating reader for format: Presagis .flt (OPENFLIGHT)

Trying to find a DYNAMIC plugin for reader named `OPENFLIGHT'

Found .prj file 'C:\Users\terra\Desktop\FMEData\usgs_ned_13_n46w085_gridfloat.prj'. Coordinate system will be set from .prj file

The projection (*.prj) file 'C:\Users\terra\Desktop\FMEData\usgs_ned_13_n46w085_gridfloat.prj' could not be read or the file is empty. The coordinate system for the features in this shape file will not be set

Loaded module 'OPENFLIGHT' from file 'C:\Program Files\FME\plugins/fme_osgrw/fme_osgrw.dll'

FME API version of module 'OPENFLIGHT' matches current internal version (3.8 20170315)

OPENFLIGHT Reader: Reading in Variable FeatureType mode

OPENFLIGHT Reader: Opening source dataset 'C:\Users\terra\Desktop\FMEData\usgs_ned_13_n46w085_gridfloat.flt'

OPENFLIGHT Reader: Reading textures from the following folder: C:\Users\terra\Desktop\FMEData\

Using MultiWriter with keyword `MULTI_WRITER' to output data (ID_ATTRIBUTE is `multi_writer_id')

Writer output will be ordered by value of multi_writer_id

Loaded module 'LogCount_func' from file 'C:\Program Files\FME\plugins/LogCount_func.dll'

FME API version of module 'LogCount_func' matches current internal version (3.8 20170315)

OPENFLIGHT Reader: No valid or supported geometry read from input file

OPENFLIGHT Reader: Closing reader

A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details

FME Session Duration: 0.3 seconds. (CPU: 0.1s user, 0.1s system)

END - ProcessID: 22416, peak process memory usage: 37876 kB, current process memory usage: 37684 kB

A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details

Program Terminating

Translation FAILED.

Unknown record, opcode=44079 size=12611

Unknown record, opcode=17286 size=27205

Unknown record, opcode=57943 size=19267

Unknown record, opcode=17284 size=64560

Unknown record, opcode=17192 size=55883

Unknown record, opcode=21571 size=13934

Unknown record, opcode=51377 size=14147

Unknown record, opcode=17174 size=45899

Unknown record, opcode=19779 size=5053

Unknown record, opcode=17171 size=65072

Unknown record, opcode=17330 size=11849

Unknown record, opcode=64256 size=17987

Unknown record, opcode=17392 size=24886

Unknown record, opcode=50500 size=17228

Unknown record, opcode=39476 size=17192

Unknown record, opcode=23613 size=17277

Unknown record, opcode=12355 size=3838

Unknown record, opcode=57659 size=13123

Unknown record, opcode=17257 size=33869

Unknown record, opcode=5121 size=12611

Unknown record, opcode=17326 size=37439

Unknown record, opcode=15171 size=11687

Unknown record, opcode=5949 size=17299

Unknown record, opcode=2046 size=12355

Unknown record, opcode=17366 size=30518

Unknown record, opcode=65072 size=17159

Unknown record, opcode=2983 size=19523

Unknown record, opcode=17388 size=21835

Unknown record, opcode=14403 size=51729

Unknown record, opcode=17319 size=46925

Unknown record, opcode=22647 size=15939

Unknown record, opcode=17407 size=64816

Unknown record, opcode=17364 size=55371

Unknown record, opcode=17731 size=45992

Unknown record, opcode=18755 size=57408

Unknown record, opcode=17256 size=31304

Unknown record, opcode=17187 size=58952

Unknown record, opcode=17203 size=64816

Unknown record, opcode=17263 size=23883

Unknown record, opcode=17228 size=59984

Unknown record, opcode=17327 size=27204

Unknown record, opcode=17189 size=10315

Unknown record, opcode=15939 size=31604

Unknown record, opcode=16963 size=25223

Unknown record, opcode=64816 size=17396

Unknown record, opcode=39753 size=17194

Unknown record, opcode=13123 size=30325

Unknown record, opcode=17396 size=64816

Unknown record, opcode=34388 size=17286

Unknown record, opcode=17152 size=49

Unknown record, opcode=0 size=12611

Unknown record, opcode=20569 size=19523

Unknown record, opcode=17273 size=24374

Unknown record, opcode=64590 size=17345

Unknown record, opcode=13635 size=34184

Warning: Error in reading to "C:\Users\terra\Desktop\FMEData\usgs_ned_13_n46w085_gridfloat.flt".

2017年10月11日星期三14:55:41 GMT terraspatial
壁纸回答 https://knowledge.safe.com/answers/55283/view.html

Thanks for the response, @NathanAtSafe. Yes, I'm told .dwg is an acceptable format for what they're doing. I suppose it should be a pretty straightforward transformation? I tried to upload the .flt file, but it's both too large and not an acceptable file format to upload.

星期二2017年10月10日21:59:41 GMT terraspatial