Questions in topic: "icad" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "icad" .flt to iCad format? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I have a .flt file that a client wants to use in Microsurvey.I actually have no background in iCAD files,but I thought I'd do what I can to help him if possible.The .flt came from USGS' TNM.我还是一个新手在FME基金but it seems to me like it should either already be compatible,or something readily converted.If it needs conversion,I'd appreciate someone walking me through the steps.I can provide more info if I've left anything out.

dem flt icad microsurvey tnm Tue,10 Oct 2017 15:00:25 GMT terraspatial