Questions in topic: "countif" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "countif" 忽略在ExpressionEvaluator值0 https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hi,I'm trying to evaluate if multiple columns in a single row are populated with values and then count how many columns have a value.

For example:

0 0 0 0 0
42 0 1 0 2
7 62 10 0 3
0 0 0 157 1

I used the ExpressionEvaluator with the following expression:


But obviously dividing by 0 is throwing the whole result off.Is there some form of COUNTIF in FME?

Are you able to suggest a better solution / fix my expression to ignore dividing by zero?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.My brain has decided to give up today...

expressionevaluator count expression countif divide 0 Mon,12 Mar 2018 14:30:36 GMT mattenvsys
CONTIF equivalent function in FME https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Is there any transformer equivalent to COUNTIF or COUNTIFS excel functions in FME.

I have a very large csv file that is not openable in excel that i need to perform a count on certain attributes that have numerical values.e.g Count the total number of values between 1-10 etc

I am currently using expressionevaluator transformer where it sets an attribute to 1 if condition is met otherwise 0.then i use statistics calculator to sum up the total.

wondering if there is any quick and simple way to do that.

I have two attributes that i need to check with 5 different conditions

countif Fri,06 Oct 2017 02:05:59 GMT sobanmughal