Answers for "Workspace runner and versioned spatial tables" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest answers for the question "Workspace runner and versioned spatial tables" Answer by sw667 https://knowledge.亚搏在线

@RylanAt亚搏在线Safe @MarkAt亚搏在线Safe谢谢你对你的建议,I tried all of your suggestions and it was the FeatureReader that was successful in reading each of the versions from SDE.

Tue,10 Oct 2017 07:59:40 GMT sw667
Answer by markat亚搏在线safe https://knowledge.亚搏在线

It looks like there is an arcpy function that returns a list of versions: you use PythonCaller to get the list of versions and then pass that to your validation workspace through the WorkspaceRunner instead of using a static CSV file?If you can't get the Geodb (ArcSDE reader) to accept the new version,perhaps the FeatureReader would work

Wed,04 Oct 2017 17:14:01 GMT markat亚搏在线safe