Questions in topic: "sequence" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "sequence" 基于从到值的序列数据 https://knowledge.亚搏在线


from to
4144 4146
4124 4181
5406 7002
4121 4124
7002 99663
4181 4144
99663 99661
54067 5406
4146 54067


from to
4121 4124
4124 4181
4181 4144
4144 4146
4146 54067
54067 5406
5406 7002
7002 99663
99663 99661

All suggestions appreciated.

序列 Wed,09 Jan 2019 11:17:55 GMT egomm
我在两个Oracle表中插入条目。I want to relate the tables based on primary key (ID).This ID is generated as a sequence in the writer.Is there a way I can get the expected "netxval" ID,so I can create the relation? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

我在两个Oracle表中插入条目。I want to relate the two tables based on primary key (ID).This ID is generated as a sequence in the writer.Is there a way I can get the expected "netxval" ID,so I can set the relation ID-attribute before insertion?或者我可以用另一种方式来做?

database 序列 related tables relations Wed,27 Jun 2018 07:18:07 GMT fritspoulsen12
Counter transformer https://knowledge.亚搏在线

你好,我有一个关于反变压器的问题。I have.SHP with line elements and I need to give every line an ID but Countertransformer for some group of lines gives IDs that are apart not in order.Example,1.png我有一行代码是0,这行左边的行有一个ID 1,but line right of it has an ID 86(2.png),same thing is at other endof this chain of lines(Left line has an ID of 86,"central" ID 13,and right ID 12,3.png).Is there a possibility that FME gives ID in sequencefrom left to right,North to South it doesn't matter just some kind ofsequence?Thank you in advance.




line counter shp 序列 Fri,2018年5月4日09:29:03格林威治标准时间 luckym
Sequence of stops while using ArcGISOnline Router https://knowledge.亚搏在线

How do I figure out how stops are ordered when I use ArcGISOnline Router?I get the optimized route,but I am trying to figure out how to show the sequence of stops in the route.

在节点数据集的信息,but that is generated only if the Return Directions feature is enabled.Also the information is more implied than directly available.It needs some processing.Is there a more direct way of getting to the sequence of stops?

arcgis online 序列 sequencegenerator stops arcgisonline router Wed,07 Mar 2018 17:29:55 GMT surbhi
Number polygons in sequence https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I have a road allowance that I have divided into multiple sections.I need to number these polygons from one end of the road,to the other,按顺序排列。When I use the counter and group by road_id,it seems to move from top to bottom in numbering,so if a road curves or is circular,the polygons get numbered out of sequence through the curved area.Is there a way to keep these polygons numbered in sequence even through a highway ramp or a curved street?Any suggestions as to how I can assign numbers to these polygons and keep them in order from start of road to end of road?

polygon road network 序列 Tue,20 Feb 2018 15:06:48 GMT aliciadmallette
Creating a 'pass/fail' sequence for multiple workspaces/groups of transformers https://knowledge.亚搏在线


I've created a number of workspaces with various transformers in,我正试图找到一种方法来按顺序一次运行所有工作区。基本上,once one workspace has run through it's transformers,created the desired output and returned a 'Translation was SUCCESSFUL' result,I'd then like this to kick-start the following workspace.

Is this possible?I did consider the alternative,which was to bring all the various workspaces together into a single workspace,but due to the incredibly high volume of 'FeatureMergers' this would impact the performance too much if they all ran concurrently.Unless there is a way to trigger a group of transformers once another group has successfully processed?

Any guidance will be (as ever) greatly appreciated.

Many thanks

序列 trigger Thu,2017年11月23日14:41:30格林尼治标准时间 cjones28
How to compare attribute of previous feature and detect change https://knowledge.亚搏在线


I have a sequence of points along a line.I have to detect change in an attribute (called "framing") of a point from its previous point.The points are sequential.Sequences are stored as an attribute too "sequence".I imagine I can use an AttributeCreator to create a new attribute called "change" and make the value conditional.Problem is,I am not good at RegEx or conditional statements to know what would be useful.

I need to compare the "framing" attribute with only the previous point within the sequence.Not the one ahead.

I have been trying to follow the example in the thread below but no luck.


Eg,if there is a way to compute something along these lines:

IF point.framing = point(sequence-1).framing

Then,Change = No.

Any help will be appreciated.

PS: Working with FME 2016.0

attributecreator 序列 change Thu,14 Sep 2017 19:42:53 GMT fariyafarhad