Questions in topic: "area" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "area" time spent on a area from GPS trace https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hi,i have timestamped gps records in a database of several devices.

Those records are filtered in order to established a relationship with an area.

How can i retrieve time spent on a specific area ?


gps area timestamp Fri,11 Jan 2019 07:52:46 GMT krowix
Spatial Relator with surrounding areas? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I used SpatialRelator to find relations between areas,when Requestor contains Supplier.In Output i gotthe contained areas (supplier).是否有方法获得周围区域(Requistor)?

spatialrelator area Wed,2018年10月10日09:44:07格林尼治标准时间 tramm
visualize if there are more than one point in a polygon (a lot off points and polygons) https://knowledge.亚搏在线网站

The question is:

Which areas have more than two points in it.

So I want to make a selection of points in a lot of area..

Visualize if there are more than one point in a polygon (a lot off points and polygons)

points PointOnAreaOverlayer area Thu,16 Aug 2018 14:15:17 GMT jopie
How to keep area-topology after the Generalizer https://knowledge.亚搏在线


I have an area featureclasswithout gaps or overlaps.我使用FME 2018桌面测试版中的Generalzer更改比例。To"preserve the Shared Boundarys" this Parameter ist set to"yes".However some areas are split in two parts by the Generalizeras documented in the attached screenshots.before-generalize-1.jpgafter-generalize-1.jpgbefore-generalize-2.jpgafter-generalize-2.jpggeneralizer-parameters.jpg

我不想更改区域的计数。I tried other algorithms and parameter settings.Sameoutcome.

Any ideas?



generalize area Tue,13 Mar 2018 15:10:07 GMT herfried
Creating a new Line dataset https://knowledge.亚搏在线网站

I am using an existing polygon buffered dataset along with another line dataset to produce a new line dataset,where the source lines either contain or intersect the source polygon.The problem I am facing is that there are considerate gaps between the lines of the new dataset as the sources are either not fully contained in the polygon or don't intersect at a specific point.

Using GIS software I can trace to join the lines,how can I automate this in FME?

geometry line area Thu,22 Feb 2018 22:58:47 GMT saqibamin
Checking for unnecessary polygon boundaries https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Does anyone know how you would go about acheiving this in FME?I will post progress as I make it.

FME desktop polygon area Thu,04 Jan 2018 23:06:49 GMT dfresh
How can I turn an attribute (bunch of coordinates) into an object (polygon)? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hey folks,
I'm in a bit of a trouble.XML文件的读取给了我一个包含坐标的属性。
The attribute's content is like this:

'47.609703,9.858943 47.620427,9.867245 47.613033,9.92076 47.600331,9.930115 47.612142,9.960663 47.61008,9.972698 47.631773,9.980192 47.609703,9.858943 47.609703,9.858943'

Please be aware that i shortend the count of numbers.

All I am trying is to build a polygon with these coordinates to write an Esri shapefile.

The PolygonBuilder/AreaBuilder won't help because it needs polylines to work with.

Thanks you so much,


列表 polygon coordinates area Mon,06 Nov 2017 15:20:18 GMT edededed
Esri vs.MapInfo area discrepancy https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Good afternoon,

我正在做一个项目,我正在为一组多边形做面积分析。The area is calculated in hectares in MapInfo and converted to a shapefile in FME;however,when the area is recalculated in ArcMap,the results are different at a consistent rate of 1.0039 (i.e.地图信息:34.6516368公顷;Arcmap 34.7855988公顷)。The projection & coordinate system remain unchanged during the conversion so the area should remain the same.当ESRI形状文件转换为mapinfo并计算时,也会出现相同的差异。

Would you be able to provide insight as to the discrepancy?


esri mapinfo area Tue,12 Sep 2017 14:30:37 GMT dwmuzika
Group polygons by area and delete the smaler ones https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I have a file with buildings as polygons and am trying so simplify and convert these to centroids.I have Disolved and added a buffer.But after that I am stuck:

a)我想添加一个属性,其中大于400 m2的多边形被分类为“4”,polygons between 400 and 200 are categorised as "3",and so on.How do I do this?(The AttributeMapper almost does this,but as far as I can see it does not work with operators,only hard numbers.)

B) In the next step I want to check if any smaller polygons are touching a bigger one.Eg.If a polygon with the size 1,2 or 3 touches a 4 they get dropped.Same thing if a 1 or 2 touches a 3,and so on.哪种变压器可以做到这一点?

C) At the end of it all I want to measure the angle between the first and second corner in each polygon and ad this as a rotation attribute.What is the best method to do this?

Sorry for the barrage of questions...

group by overlap area rotate Mon,04 Sep 2017 12:02:10 GMT aron