Questions in topic: "create polygon" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "create polygon" How to create new areas based on overlay of polygon and lines https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I have a set of contourcurves that I want to use in order to create a printed model.In the printed model each curve should be represented by a plate,see example below.

I have the contour curves as lines (with z-value) and some of them are connected at the ends with which I can create areas/polygons with the AreaBuilder transformer.Some lines however have loose ends,but I would still like to create the plate discs here.So I created a bounding box with the BoundingBoxAccumulator over the entire input dataset.My idea was then to use this box and the seperate lines (height curves) to create new areas that I then can extrude.Here is an image of my idea (orange area should also include red,blue include both orange and red):

But here my knowledge in FME seems to end.Any idea how this problem could be addressed?

create feature create polygon Wed,20 Jun 2018 14:56:39 GMT tornbladcarolin
make polygons from points https://knowledge.亚搏在线


Situation : I have a polygon layer with overlapping areas but different attributes.(layer 1)

My goal is to create a new polygon layer (layer 2) where for each area in layer 1,there is in the middle or somewhere in the polygon a smaller polygon with the attributes of layer 1.

I was trying to do this with the centerpointreplacer and then create a buffer around the points.这是只有一半的地区,the rest is rejected.

Does somebody know a better way to do this or sees wat i am doing wrong?


create polygon Tue,29 Aug 2017 12:21:57 GMT nath