Questions in topic: "scheduled job" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "scheduled job" Parameter 'DestDataset_ORACLE_NONSPATIAL_7' must be given a value ??? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hi all,

I'm getting this statusmessage (Parameter 'DestDataset_ORACLE_NONSPATIAL_7' must be given a value) when running a FME Workbench script as a scheduled FME Server job once a day.Can't figure out,what it means.

The connections are embedded in the FME script.However,当我运行它在我自己的用户,or the FME Server admin user,it works fine,so I can't do any error searching or further testing.

Any ideas on how to understand and resoive this problem will be appreciated??

error message scheduled job Mon,04 Mar 2019 08:57:25 GMT fritspoulsen12
filecopy object - what is the difference between running manually in FME Server and scheduling the job to run? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Ihave a job I have created in FME Desktop 2017.1 which processes a file,and Iuse a filecopy transformation to move the file to an archive folder once it hasbeen processed.

Thejob uses two parameters,one for the working folder and one for the archivefolder.I have published the job to an FME Server (version 2017).When I run the job manually from the Server from the "Run Workspace"page the job runs correctly.However,when I schedule the job to runautomatically it fails at the filecopy transformation,it is treating the filedifferently.

Thisis a screenshot of the FME job,showing the two published parameters,and howthe filecopy transformation has been configured.The job starts with a Path transformationwhich is populated from the [INPUT_FILE] parameter.

Below is a screenshot of the job running as scheduled,theerrors are shown in red.

Here is the same job running,the only difference being Iran it from the "Run Workspace".

Any pointers/suggestions are extremely gratefully received,thank you.

scheduled job Thu,04 Oct 2018 14:31:16 GMT mickstephens
Provide a graph showing anticipated server load of schedule jobs https://knowledge.亚搏在线

As the FME Server Administrator,I manage our FME Server Production environment.We make heavy use of Scheduling FME Jobs.Our organization has many jobs that run every day,all day,and this is a result of 100s of schedules jobs that are scheduled to run at different intervals,running every few minutes,hours,days,weeks,or months.

I want to see a vertical bar graph reportthat shows the occurrence of schedule jobs over a period of time (day,month,x months,or year) - projected into the future.

This would help identify times where there are just too many jobs scheduled in a period (ex.where hour,day,week,and monthly scheduled jobs all attempt to run in a very short time frame) and there are not enough engines to handle that many jobs efficiently.

To do this,however,an enhancement to the Schedules would be to allow a user to add an estimated "Run Duration" so the vertical bar graph could accurately depict overlapping schedule jobs with the number of engines.(over time this information could be pulled from the job logs for more accurate estimation)

As I continue to expand the number of scheduled jobs,I suspect at some point I'll need to add more engines or rework the schedules to avoid jobs from being queue longer than the business deems appropriate.

The complexity of this calculation is increased by having parent/child jobs chained together...but the estimated "Run Duration" could be tweaked to include the duration of the child jobs as well.

I want to be able to do this so thatI can determine or detect future problems with engine availabilty and engine demand.

fmeserver scheduled job reports Thu,19 Jul 2018 23:13:30 GMT fmelizard
Add Retry Times option to Schedules in FME Server https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Some kind of scheduled jobs could fail because of an external reason.e.g.a case where an external server which manages resources for the job is busy at the moment when FME Server access the resources.

In order to be able to recover such a failure as soon as possible,it might be useful if the schedule setting would have an option to set the number of retries and their time interval in the case where the job failed.

scheduled job schedules Sat,10 Mar 2018 09:29:41 GMT takashi
Retry job setting on failure of a scheduled job https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Add a setting to allow the job to be retried on failure x number of times.We have some jobs that fail due to timeout,and running the job a second time doesn't experience the same timeout issue.It would be nice to set that on the schedule.I am assuming the future automation section of server could be able to address this type of request as well.

scheduled job failures Thu,18 Jan 2018 20:00:21 GMT tmoulder_okc
Add a calendar view to FME Server Schedule section https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Add to the scheduling screen the ability to view schedules in a calendar view.It would be nice to be able to format it daily/weekly/work week/monthly.It would also be nice to be able to click on an opening in the calendar to start scheduling a new job.

fmeserver scheduled job schedules calendar Wed,17 Jan 2018 16:16:50 GMT tmoulder_okc
​FME Server Troubleshooting: Schedules https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Are you encountering issues creating,editing,or running FME Server Schedules?Please read below for some common troubleshooting tips,questions and resources.

Troubleshooting Tips

  • The FME ServerSchedules will run as the user who last editedregardless of theowner.
  • Make sure that any files or resources accessed by the scheduled workspace are visible to both theUser in FME Serverand theaccount running the FME Server Windows Services.
  • Log Filesfor FME Server Schedules can be accessed in the web interface or FME Server System Share location (specified at installation).
    Resources > Logs > Core > current/old > fmescheduler.log
  • Check the log file to confirm that your schedule is executing correctly and if there are any errors reported.

Common Issues

"My FME Server Schedule does not respect Daylight Saving Time."

This is aknown issue,if you have created a Schedule and configured it to ‘Repeat on Interval'.You may consider leveraging a CRON Expression instead.

"My schedules aren't running."

Check that you have engines available to run the jobs.
Check the job history,running and queuing pages to check that the schedules are being ran successfully.
Is the schedule definitely enabled and configured correctly?

Check the log files to see if there are any errors.

"Schedules are running twice,but only one exists in the web interface."

This is an uncommon issue that may occur in Active - Passive Failover FME Server environments.An improper or incomplete failover operation may cause duplication of FME Server Schedules – while anuncommonissue,the common root cause is a very short network interruption that starts a failover operation but does not allow it to complete.

If you find yourself in this scenario,completely shut down FME Server and systematically bring each component back online.In more rare cases,it might be necessary to manually remove records from the fme_schedule_task table in the backend database.

Common Questions from FME 亚搏国际在线官网Community Q&A

  1. Can I create a schedule to run as a different user?
  2. Is it possible to export the FME Server Schedules?
  3. How do I use the FME Server REST API to enable a Schedule?
  4. What can I use to schedule an FME Workspace – not using FME Server?-2
  5. How can I schedule jobs to run only during the week?
  6. How can I use Windows Task Scheduler to schedule FME Workspaces?-2

Popular Ideas by the FME 亚搏国际在线官网Community

  1. Set a "Window of Availability" for FME Server Workspaces
  2. Warn when Deleting Workspace Associated with a Schedule
  3. Various Improvements for FME Server Schedules
  4. Add a 'Run Now' Button on the FME Server Schedules page
  5. Provide a Visualization of Schedules Jobs
  6. Ability to Set Schedule to Run at FME Server Startup-2-3
  7. Schedule Notifications in FME Server

Other Resources

Tutorial: Schedule a Workspace to Run with FME Server

How-To: Writing CRON Expressions to Schedule FME Server Jobs

Tutorial: Introduction to Scheduling and Change Detection 亚搏在线Workflows in FME Server

Are you still experiencing issues?

Please consider posting to theFME 亚搏国际在线官网Community Q&Aif you are still experiencing issues that are not addressed in this article.There are alsodifferent support channelsavailable.

Have ideas on how to improve this?

You can add ideas or product suggestions to ourIdeas Exchange.

fmeserver 故障排除 scheduling scheduled job schedules schedule Fri,06 Oct 2017 21:09:21 GMT rylanat亚搏在线safe
FME Cloud - Running Scheduled Job during an FME Cloud Running Scheduled Instance https://knowledge.亚搏在线


I am curious to know if the Scheduled Instance on FME Cloud would terminate a non completed job in FME Server.

In this theoretical scenario I would schedule the FME Cloud Instance to be activated let's say at 10 a.m every day and that the FME Server Job would run at 10:15 every day.Under normal circumstances it would take 30 minutes to run the job and my FME Cloud Instance will be deactivated at 11 a.m.But what would happen if the FME Server Scheduled Job one day takes 1h 30 m to run,would FME Cloud Scheduled Instance wait for the job to complete?

Thank you.


scheduled job scheduled instance Fri,18 Aug 2017 00:14:24 GMT gisinnovationsb