Questions in topic: "postgres sde" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "postgres sde" Problem with Dynamic mapping Smallworld to Postgres SDE https://knowledge.亚搏在线


I'm trying to map a Smallworld table to a different schema in our Postgres SDE.I have one Excel file with the schema for the writer and another Excel file with a worksheet for mapping from the smallworld field to the fields that exist in the schema for the writer.This works when I translate to ffs (even though I get some error messages).But when I use the same workspace to translate to Postgres SDE it fails.Eventually I will need to map multiple Smallworld tables to the Postgres SDE.I have attached the workspace,the log file and the two Excel files.I'm wondering if having two excel files is part of the problem.But when I tried to accomplish all this with a single Excel file I was getting errors.Thoughts?

smallworld dynamic schema mapping postgres sde Tue,15 Aug 2017 16:53:14 GMT angela