Answers for "How to define the Datum/Vertical Co-ordinate System" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest answers for the question "How to define the Datum/Vertical Co-ordinate System" Answer by bruceharold

I don't think FME has any concept of vertical datum as a dataset property.If you have ArcGIS you could define the coordinate system including the vertical CS in a shutdown script.

Thu, 10 Aug 2017 15:13:41 GMT bruceharold
Answer by trentatsafe


I believe the CSMapReprojector may be the transformer that will solve your issue.Not only are you able to do a standard reprojection, but you are also able to set the vertical handling.The documentation for the CSMapReprojector can be found here:

Depending on the location of your data, you may also try the GridInQuestReproject(Ireland/UK data) or the GtransReprojector(Sweden data).

Some articles that may be beneficial to providing some more information can be found here:

I hope that helps.

Thu, 10 Aug 2017 03:24:16 GMT trentatsafe