Questions in topic: "mdb" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "mdb" Deleting a value that does not exist in a coded domain? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hi all,

I am a newer user to FME,and I am using FME Workbench 2017.0.

I have a new feature class that has coded domains.The data being input into the new feature class is coming from a feature class in an old MDB.I would like to delete attribute values from each field that does not have values within their respective coded domains,and they can either be null or empty strings.

The picture shows an example of some of the data where you can see BUR-T does not exist as a coded value in responsible_agency or maintained_by,but it exists in pipe_owner.Or STR does not exist as a coded value in pipe_owner or maintained_by,but it exists in responsible_agency.I used AttributeValueMapper to get to this point.

Note: I have tried making a query to delete values with char_length < #,deleting uppercase values,and etc.,and those did not seem to work because the 'Town of Burke' and 'Streets Division' values are still recognized as their codes,so they are subsequently deleted when the program is executed.

Any help would be appreciated.Thank you!

attributevaluemapper feature class delete file geodatabase mdb Fri,20 Jul 2018 20:05:30 GMT enasb
Support MDB option for MicroStation GeoGraphics writer in Linux https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I like to use the MicroStation GeoGraphics writer to help create mslinks for my dgn.It makes it easy.This only works in Linux if I use an Oracle DB but I would love it to have MDB as an option like I can in Windows

microstation dgn linux mdb mslink Fri,27 Oct 2017 16:50:29 GMT fmelizard
How to write *.mdb to *.Gdb https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hi everybody,

I have a .mdb emtpy fields.Now,I want to convert to .Gdb (point format).

I use read .mdb and writer .gdb but I don't get point file in Gdb.Could you tell me why?Thank you

I attached my workspace in the bellow:mdb-to-gdb.fmwt

mdb Tue,15 Aug 2017 10:43:58 GMT hoa_le
How to convert from shapefile to .mdb? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hi everybody,

I have a shapefile (line) and it includes fields:year,time, commune,province...and I have a .mdb that has a table empty have fields:a_xa,b_ti.

I want to get spatial data from shapefile to table in .mdb and get attribute (commune = a_xa,province = b_ti).How can I do?

Thank you

shapefile schemamapper mdb 加入空间 Mon,07 Aug 2017 09:47:46 GMT hoa_le