Questions in topic: "p190" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "p190" Add more support for seismic data and make the SEGY and P190 readers more flexible https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I think that there is a lot more which can be done with FME in this space.There are a lot of users in the Oil and Gas 亚搏国际在线官网community who use FME.Support for seismic data formats in FME is pretty limited at present.As a user I would love to be able to quickly create 亚搏在线workflows to pull out the Navigation from my SEGY and stick it into a GIS.I love the CAT reader and think that this is something which could be integrated into reading the EBCDIC header.The SEGY reader should also support reading 3D Seismic.

segy oil and gas p190 seismic Wed,02 Aug 2017 18:06:34 GMT fmelizard