Questions in topic: "jpg" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "jpg" Invalid Base64 Character reading AGOL Attachments https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I am trying to read attachments from an AGOL feature service.Specifically,it is a jpg image.I have the reader feed into a BinaryDecoder set to Base64,outputting Binary(fme-binary),then going into a rasterreplacer.BinaryDecoder发生错误。The error is:

BinaryDecoder(TextEncoderFactory): Invalid Base64 character 'ÿ'

Does anyone know how to handle or avoid this error?


arcgis online attachments jpg Wed,06 Mar 2019 15:36:46 GMT bretr
How to export/Print to pdf/ jpg? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Has FME made an update for this yet?I am currently trying to print our massive FME workspace on the plotter but am running into the issue of it not changing the size of the actual workspace but instead just changes the paper size and prints an 8.5 x 11 in the middle.All I want to do is print the workspace to 36 x 60.I can change the paper size to this but the model does not come with it in that size,it stays at the standard sheet size.Scaling will just make it blurry.

pdf export jpg print Tue,05 Feb 2019 20:33:44 GMT sjolster31
How to create a KML file from a set of jpg geotagged https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hello,I am new in FME.

I need to create a KML that contains a set of placemarks with every jpg geotagged photo.

INPUT: Set of jpg geotagged

OUPUT: KML with photo icons that I clic and show me the photo in a window.

Thanks for your answers.

KML jpg Fri,04 Jan 2019 23:29:02 GMT galensonet
Tesseract extract text from Image https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Good morning

I'm trying to extract text from a simple jpg image using Tesseractcaller

When i run Tesseract-OCR (version 3.05.02 64bit) on my PC (Windows 10) from Windows Powershell to extract the data from the .jpg,it works fine

If I run the attached workspace in FME,the text export to .csv only gives the first line ie hello there but not the second line.I get no output for the line option

I found another post about the Tesseract transformer,https://knowledge.亚搏在线,and have made the suggested change,but this didn't seem to work

Any suggestions as to how i can resolve this?

Simon Hume



text jpg tesseractcaller Fri,30 Nov 2018 12:11:56 GMT simonhume
point to raster https://knowledge.亚搏在线

hi,i read some question from other user.But i don´t read what i need.

from to xml i create vertex and i don´t know what i do to create the raster.i use "imageRasterizer" but i have a error and no create it.xml2raster.zipis the log file.

raster points tiff jpg Wed,07 Nov 2018 08:13:40 GMT ftl
How to retrieve width and height of JPG and PDFs? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

How to retrieve width and height of JPG and PDFs?

pdf jpg acrobat jp width height Thu,20 Sep 2018 00:12:12 GMT 0xbox0
Extract polygons from a tiff/jpg raster https://knowledge.亚搏在线


I want to extract polygons from a raster by using "RasterToPolygonCoercer" but the result doesn't look very promising and I am lost for ideas.

I would be happy for any hint to solve my problem.

Thanks :)


...and output:

raster polygons tiff jpg Thu,28 Jun 2018 14:58:15 GMT leona
Spatial xyz (points) to .jpg/png https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hi,I have a lot of profiles measured as xyz data (points) in RD coordinate system.It's an Excel with all the profiles,each profile has it's own name (1,2,3,etc).Is there a way to convert each profile to a separate .jpg/png file in FME?

xyz jpg profile name Mon,18 Jun 2018 14:31:01 GMT vincentvanderwo
Converting a TIF to a JPG https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I am trying to convert an image I have that is in TIF format to a JPG format.I've done it before but just forgot the path.If anyone has any suggestions of tips please let me know thank you!

convert jpg tif converter Tue,13 Feb 2018 20:07:09 GMT sightglass26_
Can FME read the coordinates from an ESRI jpg with a jgw and XML file? https://knowledge.亚搏在线


I'm trying to make a Polygon Catalogue of all the jpg images we have in a directory/ subdirectory.So far I havent been able to get FME to to detect the Coordinates embedded in the XML and jgw files.Is this possible?

many thanks.

esri jpg Fri,08 Dec 2017 00:03:38 GMT pilgrimjake
I can draw lines on a raster and then save as a jpg.Why can't I put text on the raster and convert to jpg too? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I wish to add text record of attributes to jpgs.I am creating a workspace runner to do this.However,I cannot get the text to be applied to the raster.I can see that the text is created in Inspector,but Vector on Raster overlayer does not write the text to the new raster.(See workspace)

I tried mapnikrasterizer with even less success;I couldn't get any product from the jpg writer.

This seems like it should be a simple fix.

Your help is much appreciated,


raster text labels jpg Sun,10 Sep 2017 17:38:36 GMT wellis11
I have a shapefile that I need to convert to JPG.Could anyone help me with this ? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I have a shapefile that I need to convert to JPG.The shape file has an attribute with values ranging form 90 to 130.I need to give different colors for this attributes in JPG based on the following criteria

90 to 100

100 to 110

110 to 130

I tried using image rasteriser,it shows "This format cannot support more than 3 bands.Please remove the extra bands and try again"

I am new to FME so please explain it even if its a trivial question

shapefile jpg imagerasterizer Wed,26 Jul 2017 15:28:32 GMT arvr1991