Questions in topic: "testing data quality" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "testing data quality" Use of ListElementFilter to match geometry line length to text line length https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hi FMErs,

I have a question related to the use of the ListElementFilter transformer by高桥that is a continuation ofthis question.I'm open to any recommendations for alternate transformers that may be able to match the conditions,but I cannot find any to date.

Attributes for line length,line name,line date have been successfully extracted from an initial文本字符串。

Attributes for line geometry such as total length,start x,y,end x,y and azimuth have been successfully extracted from the autocadpolyline.

Now trying to match the text to the correct polyline using a combination of

1) Proximity (neighbour finder within 5m,线为基底,text as candidate generating list of potential matches shown Figure 1),and

2) Length (by matching geometry length to text sourced length)

Referring to Figure 1 - A previous attempt using the first match only,and testing line length with a 1m tolerance yields about 50% success.

在尝试2中,using a list of all potential matches within 5m,I get a list of up to 10 matches.A sample is shown in Figure 2 from the data inspector.

On trying to use the ListElementFilter in either numeric value,numeric range mode or exact match mode I'm trying to extract the attribute values for HoleT_Name and Date from the list whose list attribute Potentials{}.HoleT_Leng = tot_length.Rounding each value to the nearest metre is OK.

I'm not sure if I have the ListElementFilter set up correctly,but would appreciate any assistance.

If more than one match is still found when testing for line length matches,a further level of detail test of checking azimuth of text and line could be applied using the same process ??

Thanks in advance.

The neighbour finder generates list potentials{} with attributes {}.HoleTLeng,{}.Date,{}.HoleT_Name

ListElementCounter counts the number of potential matches found by the neighbour finder for each line.


Figure 2 - Data Inspector result of list matches.同意总长度和文本长度需要四舍五入到最近的整米。

neighborfinder 测试器 testing data quality listelementcounter listelement Fri,21 Sep 2018 01:08:17 GMT pat_uow
Testing shp polygons before closing area https://knowledge.亚搏在线网站

你好,I hope someone can help me with my problem.I amfairly new to FME and my first task is to close parcel polygons from .SHP.My approachwas to use transformers LineCloser,Matcher and AreaBulder in that order andthis works fine if data is good(Picture 1).I will be working with .SHP thatare not 100% correct for example not all lines in .SHP will touch in same point(see Picture 2) or they will intersect (Picture 3).And at last my question.Isthere a possibility in FME that I can test my SHP for this type of issues?




小水电 testing data quality 关闭区 Fri,13 Apr 2018 15:05:50 GMT luckym
Test for ISNUMBER() (Is Number) https://knowledge.亚搏在线 number-is-number.html

Is here a transformer or setup a Tester to test an attribute to be a number?

i.e.ISNUMBER() like in SQL

Thx Brian

testing data quality Wed,2018年2月7日格林威治标准时间17:51:34 dbklingdom
How can I use FME Data Inspector to view point cloud classifications? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I'm new to FME,and have been asked to look into quality control of land cover classification for processed point clouds.Currently,我希望使用数据检查员审查土地覆盖的分类,在土地覆盖档案中,yet I can't figure out how to symbolize the point cloud by classification attribute.I haven't been able to find any documentation on this,could anyone help?

point cloud testing data quality Thu,03 Aug 2017 15:04:21 GMT ibachmansanders
Testing dataset quality https://knowledge.亚搏在线


你好,I have a query please.The attached table is a snapshot (fictional names etc used) of an Excel dataset of 10000 records,where employees of a company are each given a Card to access the office building,and this dataset logs their details each time they have entered the building,在门口刷卡,in the past week.

在理想的世界里,每个员工都应该有一个唯一的“员工编号”和一个唯一的“卡号”。因此在本例中,John Smith should have an "Employee Number" of 100,and a "Card Number" of 1.However,we can see that he also has a "Card Number" of 2 on two occasions he has entered the building,for whatever reason.

也,we can see that for Sarah Brown,her "Card Number" should indeed be 5,but for some reason,she has two "Employee Numbers" (400 and 500) when in fact she should just have one "Employee Number" of 400.

What is the best way,using FME,that I can test a dataset like this,so that it "passes through" (to the next stage of the workbench process) each occurrence where an employee has the expected "Employee Number" and expected "Card Number" for each of their records,但也要标记所有出现的事件,它们要么有不同的“员工编号”,要么有不同的“卡号”?


testing data quality Tue,25 Jul 2017 16:09:23 GMT cliff_wade