Questions in topic: "writer mode" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "writer mode" CARTO Writer: Wants Truncate and Insert Mode https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Why not add the "Truncate and Insert" mode to the CARTO Writer?

writer mode carto Wed,10 Oct 2018 07:10:37 GMT takashi
fme_db_operation support for AGOL-writer https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I would like to see that the ArcGIS Online writer supports the fme_db_operation attribute.Now you have to choose and have to add multiple writers if you want to execute e.g.update and insert operations.I would prefer steering this through an attribute.

writer fme_db_operation writer mode argis online Tue,27 Mar 2018 21:47:40 GMT lars_de_vries
Errror creating index or primairy key in oracle writer https://knowledge.亚搏在线

When writing a table with oracle writer (type: spatial object) fme cannot create primairy key or index when the name of index is getting long.For example :


It gives a error: SQL Error: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

However,the table does exist.

Copying pasting the command from fme -logs to sqldeveloper gives the same error as in FME.

However,if i shorten the indexame in command like e.g.ACCRES_KNOOP_OLVS_ID the command executes fine: index created

Should FME not fix the indexname by itself so it does not give error messages when making indexes ?

Is this a bug?Current FME version is Desktop 2017.1

Best regards,Ed

oracle index writer mode Thu,15 Mar 2018 11:11:46 GMT edvdl
Error writing to Excel - Feature is in writer mode 'UPDATE' but has no value for row ID attribute '' https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I'm getting the following error when writing to Excel from a specific workspace using FME 2016.1.0.1.

ERROR |Excel Writer: Feature is in writer mode 'UPDATE' but has no value for row ID attribute ''

Despite what the error reads,my excel writer is set to insert.I'm also getting the error when saving the data from inspector to Excel.The problem seems to be specific to this workspace as i can write to excel without issue from others,with the same Excel writer parameters.I've tried writing to a different location without luck as well.

Any ideas?


excel error row id attribute writer mode Thu,13 Jul 2017 16:07:15 GMT carmijo