主题问题:“铯3Tiles” https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/topics/single/46881.html网站 关于“铯3dTiles”主题的最新问题 在Cesium 3D Tiles Writer中选择和设置GLTF外观设置的选项 https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/idea/88632/options-to-choose-and-set-gltf-appearance-settings.html

Option to choose and set glTF appearance/shading setting for Cesium 3d Tiles writer

例如,options to set metallic factors,粗糙度系数等。或者选择是否使用“khr_materials_unlist”扩展名。

Materials unlit extension would improve appearance especially for buildings with image textures.现在,有图像纹理的建筑往往因为阴影而变得太暗,and changing these settings manually is time consuming and difficult.

3d cesium 3dtiles 谷氨酸转铁蛋白 Mon,18 Mar 2019 13:31:21 GMT 赫雷斯
las to 3dtiles preserving color https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/88539/las-to-3dtiles-preserving-color.html

我尝试将las文件导出到3ddilies(即,a pnts file) with fme,但是铯的颜色后来消失了。我找不到可以选择包含RGB或类似的内容。我做错什么了?

point cloud cesium 3dtiles 颜色 Fri,15 Mar 2019 14:06:12 GMT MITKO88
如何禁用Cesium 3D Tiles Writer转换的3D Tiles的着色效果 https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/88007/how-to-disable-shader-effect-of-3d-tiles-converted.html

我使用Cesium 3D Tiles Writer生成了一些3D Tiles数据。




Could you tell the solution?

cesium 3dtiles Wed,06 Mar 2019 15:14:17 GMT bigapplerizzi19
GLTF和铯3D瓷砖上的Draco压缩 https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/idea/87463/draco-compression-on-gltf-and-cesium-3d-tiles.html

It would be super nice if I can compress 3D Tiles data (glTF) with DRACO (https://google.github.io/draco/).文件大小会变得非常小,渲染速度也会更快。I want to have an option in the 3D Tiles writer!

3d cesium 3dtiles Sun,24 Feb 2019 04:03:22 GMT 广崎
3d tileset writer转换gml linestrings的gltf网格不正确 https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/84485/3d-tileset-writer-incorrect-gltf-meshes-converting.html



The geometry from the LandXML reader is GML dimension 3 geometry.The 3D tile writer is writing these geometries correctly for polygons.

Is this a bug or an enhancement to the 3D tile writer?

GML cesium 3dtiles landxml 谷氨酸转铁蛋白 清华大学,2018年12月20日00:06:38格林尼治标准时间 贝贝林
3D Building appearance setting by attribute https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/84257/3d-building-appearance-setting-by-attribute.html


I wanna try to convert building footprint shape file to cesium 3dtiles

Building footprint shape file has attribute of Building Floor information


Check it under image


I use 'SurfaceDraper' and Extruder from floor attribute.

I want to display different color of 3D building surface according to building floor.

I use appearanceStyler and AppearanceSetter but they didn't work.


This is my Workbench


Though i set 3 different condition and color but only one color applied

3d cesium 3dtiles extruder appearancesetter appearancestyler Fri,14 Dec 2018 15:03:27 GMT dhdbtkd
Land XML到铯3D瓷砖 https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/84112/land-xml-to-cesium-3d-tiles.html


我正在尝试将LandXML转换为3D图块并遇到一些问题。I've tried both Cesium ION Connector and Cesium 3D tile writer,and an EsriReprojector to convert state plane coordinates to WGS 84 .

Both complete the conversion without errors in FME.However,each method has some additional issues.

使用3D Tile Writer,I use a Land XML Reader,to EsriReprojector,and directly to 3D Tile writer (do not use ION connector).我看不到铯中的3D瓷砖。我在铯中没有得到任何错误,铯查看器正在成功加载瓷砖。

我也试过landxml,CityGML,to 3D Tile Writer,but that does not create a data Directry.创建tileset.json文件。

使用铯离子连接器,I followed this example:


I converted the Land XML to CityGML,then push that to the Cesium ION connector.When I go to the Cesium ION account assets,an error is displayed about this asset instructing me to contact Cesium.Found out the error was caused by ION tiler not supporting LineStringSegment.

这两个问题都是由LineStringSegments引起的吗?因此,在使用3D Tile Writer的情况下,FME是否将多段线解释为线形段?If so,如何指定CityML编写器不使用LineStringSegments,只使用多段线?

If this isn't the case,我在这里做错什么了?

cesium 3dtiles landxml cesiumionconnector 星期二,2018年12月11日格林威治标准时间17:47:42 贝贝林
convert Multipatch 3D urban model (with texturing) to Cesium 3D tile https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/82881/convert-multipatch-3d-urban-model-with-texuring-t.html(https://knowledge.safe.com/questions/82881/convert-multipatch-

Hello everyone



I want to convert the 3D urban model to Cesium 3D tile format.



3d 转换 cesium 3dtiles cesium 3d tiles 星期二,20 Nov 2018 12:59:36 GMT veyselakatay
GML数据中的高度问题 https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/80003/height-issue-in-gml-data.html网站


GML cesium 3dtiles height Mon,08 Oct 2018 09:32:30 GMT 存储区域网络
将geotiff转换为3d以在Arcgis JavaScript API中查看 https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/69745/converting-geotiff-to-3d-for-viewing-in-arcgis-jav.html

I am running FME 2018 and attempting to convert a Geotiff into a format that I can load onto my S3 bucket and read using the ArcGIS javascript API.some of the formats in FME i tried to convert to failed with no success.ESRI 3D indexed Layer and cesium 3D tiles.

any suggestions?thank you

3d 地鼠 cesium 3dtiles 坐,2018年5月5日05:51:37格林尼治标准时间 dfresh
Problem converting Revit (RVZ) to Cesium 3D Tiles. https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/66418/problem-converting-revit-rvz-to-cesium-3d-tiles.html

你好,我正在尝试将rvz格式的revit模型转换为铯三维图块。However when the transformation is run I get a warning that says "Geometries which cannot be converted to a triangulated mesh will not be written" for some of the geometry.

Is there anyway to fix this or to tell way some of the geometry does work and some of it doesn't?

cesium 3dtiles cesium 3d tiles rvz RVZ 星期二,2018年3月20日格林尼治标准时间18:10:39 harknessandrew5
.pnts文件批处理表中每个点的铯3D瓷砖属性 https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/64749/cesium-3d-tiles-per-point-properties-in-batch-tabl.html

I am trying to use the FME Cesium 3D Tiles Point Cloud / 3D Tiles writer to write a .PNTS file in a 3D Tileset for display in Cesium JS.I would just like to know,在FME中,是否可以在.pnts文件的批处理表中设置每点属性。How can I do this?

我将存储一个名为“重要性”的属性,以及每个基本上就是这样的点:在浏览器中呈现的点的重要性。当在铯中观察时,我想展示靠近观察者位置的更重要的点,逐渐地,次要的点远离观察者。作为每点元数据存储的批处理表,I need a way to modify the information contained in the batch table of the .PNTS file.

If there is also any other way of doing this without having to modify the batch table,如果有人能告诉我,我将不胜感激。谢谢!

3d point cloud cesium 3dtiles LAS点云 Mon,26 Feb 2018 16:11:43 GMT 西尔内拉杰
Cesium 3D瓷砖中瓷砖的边界体积 https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/62872/bounding-volume-of-tiles-in-cesium-3d-tiles.html

Hi All,

I am trying to convert ERSI shapefile(LOD0) to Cesium 3D Tiles using FME 2017 Writer.Here is my workspacecollada-collada2无.fmw

当我用铯来想象它的时候,bounding volume of tile is skew like this:



Thank you,

cesium 3dtiles cesium 3d tiles 星期二,30 Jan 2018 15:35:32 GMT 1996年
How to separate large data into small tiles with Cesium 3D Tiles https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/questions/61952/how-to-separate-large-data-into-small-tiles-with-c.html


I'm currently using FME 2017.1 Smallword Edition.我的问题是,我正在尝试将collada数据转换为铯3D瓷砖,我不知道如何指定坐标来将大输入数据分隔为小瓷砖。




How to create 3D-Tile data in popular way?


Thank you very much


3d cesium 3dtiles 清华大学,2018年1月18日04:37:50格林尼治标准时间 安非那奈
improve the generation of 3DTiles.Tiles generated with FME are less performant than tiles generated by AGI/Cesium. https://knowledge.亚搏在线safe.com/idea/60377/improve-the-generation-of-3dtiles-tiles-generated.html

cesium 3dtiles 星期二,2017年12月19日格林尼治标准时间17:38:17 vincentstreigna