Questions in topic: "objects" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "objects" How can I access OBJ Group and and Object traits? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I'm pretty new to FME and could really use some help on this.I am reading OBJ files and writing DWG files.

I need to expose two "traits" in the source OBJ to re-use them in the target DWG.But I'm unclear how to access the traits.

What I found so far...The two traits in the OBJ file belong to Geometry Type: IFMEMesh.The traits are GeometryTrait(string): 'obj_group' and 'obj_object'.

My goal is to read the obj_group to write autocad_layer_name - and read the obj_object to write autocad_block_name.

Guidance on accessing the traits will be greatly appreciated!

And here's an example OBJ

autocad dwg obj traits groups objects Wed,17 Jan 2018 15:00:50 GMT rogerrapp
I want to count the number of ships in a port/harbour using FME. https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hello,I had written some scripts on other platforms and ships count is one of them now I want to replicate that using FME but I have just started learning FME and due to lack of time I have to move faster so If you have the suggestion please reply to this question.

count objects Tue,12 Dec 2017 18:17:46 GMT parthmandaliya0
Support for AutoCAD Object Enablers https://knowledge.亚搏在线

We often need to use FME to process DWG 3D model files that are created using AutoCAD vertical 亚搏在线娱乐平台products such as AutoCAD Civil3D,原子能委员会,MEP or add-on 亚搏在线娱乐平台products such as Bentley AutoPlant,Intergraph/Hexagon CADworx.Each of these 亚搏在线娱乐平台products use AutoCAD Object Enablers (OEs) to create graphic objects.For FME to read the model geometry,someone must first save the model to a separate DWG file with proxy graphics.This means an extra step,more file management,and typically results in very large files.It would be great for FME to support the freely available OEs so those steps wouldn't be needed.

autocad dwg objects Mon,30 Oct 2017 23:40:47 GMT rogerrapp
Add nested disabled objects to navigator,including readers and writers.(disabled>reader,disabled>transformer) https://knowledge.亚搏在线

navigator objects Mon,26 Jun 2017 12:22:33 GMT 男女的称号guidos