Questions in topic: "txt file" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "txt file" 清理csv数据 https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I have a csv separated by semicolon.Some lines have too many semicolons (bad data).To clean up the data I have read the csv with a Text File Reader to read line-by-line and used an AttributeCreator to create an attribute for the number of semicolons in each line.Then I followed that up with a Tester to retrieve the lines with the correct number of semicolons (clean data).Now I have this text line data and need to write back to a csv.I cannot figure out how to write to a csv from the text line data.

csv txt file Fri,01 Jun 2018 18:33:03 GMT brian_c
I am creating txt files whit coö the last line must write "END" . https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I used a CoördinatExtractor and a ListExploder to get the Coördinates.I create a attribute to write the x and y coördinates in one line.Now the question is how can I create the last line whit only end?


pnt 111223,513248

pnt 111225,513256


txt file Tue,22 May 2018 14:37:27 GMT oweijer
Creating polygons with attributes from txt file. https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I have a text file that contains attribute information and coordinates of points representing polygon vertices.Here is a simplified example of the data set up:

attributes: Name="Bob" Number="1"





attributes: Name="Steve" Number="2"






(repeats for a few hundred entries)

I want to make individual polygons (for use in Arc) with each set of coordinates and attach the attributes.Is FME capable of this (i tried all day without success) or should I be working on a python solution?


polygons txt file Fri,16 Mar 2018 15:14:15 GMT brettlapps
simple txt to coordinate https://knowledge.亚搏在线


I have a simple txt with many coordinates like (no header):


I want to validate that geometry.I tried using different readers (txt,csv) and transformers like stringreplacer.

I found this question


but could not modify my workbench with success.

Any hints on that?

csv coordinate txt file Thu,25 Jan 2018 15:59:37 GMT nhaz
Writing to Multiple Text Files https://knowledge.亚搏在线

So I have a point shapefile of orthophoto locations with approx.250 features in it with attributes.I also have a .txt file to use as a template.What I basically need to do is for each feature in the shapefile,I need to extract the attributes,do a find/replace in the template,写一个文本文件。Essentially it's just creating text files with metadata of each orthophoto in it,so I should end up with approximately 250 text files when finished.

I'm not sure how to get FME to go through one feature at a time and write out to a .txt.Does anybody have any idea how to do this?

looping txt file Tue,20 Jun 2017 11:17:14 GMT flip