Questions in topic: "selection by atributtes" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "selection by atributtes" Selection sequence via published parameters https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hello,I have in front a reader SpatiaLite composed of different layers (hydrographic basins,communal limits,区域限制……").I want to propose to the end user a list of extraction options (list of watersheds,list of municipalities,list of regions ...) according to a type of previously selected right-of-way ("watersheds"," regions ",……)。

I arrive with a published parameter applied on a transform tester to select the type of footprint stored in the format attribute "fme_feature_type" and store it in a new field "Emprise" with the "conditional attribute values" in an AttributeManager.

But I do not succeed after to chain a selection on the selection via a second published parameter.The selection of the right of way is not filtered according to the first choice.Thank you in advance for all your advice.

selection by atributtes Fri,21 Dec 2018 15:18:41 GMT toth17
Select Features Performance Improvements https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Looking for tips to improve performance when selecting rows from a database based on an incoming set of features.

For example,say I have 150 points going into an initiator port on a FeatureReader that then reads 4 tables/features from an Oracle SDE database.

Scenario 1: Spatial Filter is set to "Initiator Intersects Result"
While this does greatly improve performance over reading everything from all 4 tables/features,What else can I do to improve performance here?
Is there a way to send all of the features at once?OR generate a set of search envelopes to send to the featureReader?
(I tried creating a BoundingBoxAccumulator,but if the points are not close together,this will select too many of the 4 features)

Here is an example of the kind of output in the log file for each of the 150 points that are sent to the FeatureReader (note,I've change the lat/long):

Notice - Performing envelope query on the `GEODATABASE_SDE' reader,post-filtering spatial predicate in FME

2018-08-02 16:17:18| 56.1| 0.0|INFORM|The minimum (x,y) and maximum (x,y) bounds,respectively,of the search envelope being used are: (-50.0001,10.0000),(-50.00001,10.0000)

Scenario 2: Select using unique IDs
In this case,each of the 150 points has a matching Unique ID in the 4 features to select from.
Does anyone have a smart way to build out long SQL queries to prefetch all of the features with matching unique IDs at the same time?

performance optimization select by location selection by atributtes select statement Thu,02 Aug 2018 22:26:42 GMT michaeltessella
Export dgn 7 to dgn 8 from attribute selection https://knowledge.亚搏在线

We want to export a DGN V7 file to v8 version with some specifications.For example: In version 7 we have grouped some elements in the same level,but with different colors and styles.The objective would be to be able to make different selections of level,style and color and in the reader environment,and export that selection to a specific level in the output file v8.How can we do this?thanks for your help

microstation dgn export selection by atributtes Tue,13 Jun 2017 14:28:40 GMT emili