Comments and answers for "Geomedia LRS to ArcGIS LRS" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest comments and answers for the question "Geomedia LRS to ArcGIS LRS" Comment by adam Thanks David R!Works perfectly.You saved me many hours.

Wed, 23 Sep 2015 17:41:00 GMT adam
Answer by david_r Hi

ArcGIS wants measure values (also called M-values) per vertex, not per segment, so you need to attribute your Geomedia attributes to the start and end vertex of each segment, then interpolate the measure value for each vertex in between.

Fortunately this should be rather easy with FME, using two MeasureSetters to set the start and end M-value, then a MeasureInterpolator ( to set the values in between.

User-added image

In the end you can add e.g.a LineJoiner with a Group By on your route ID to join the segments up into polylines, if necessary.

You can now write your segments or routes to an ArcGIS feature class of type polyline with M-values.

Wed, 23 Sep 2015 11:31:38 GMT david_r
Comment by etls_itay Hi,

After evaluating which common value to use (line ID = measure ID?) you can use the FeatureMerger to add the measure values to the vertices.
Wed, 23 Sep 2015 06:28:37 GMT etls_itay