Questions in topic: "width" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "width" Polygon shapefile - minimum width https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hi,I have a shapefile that contains polygons and we would like to find the minimum width of each of the polygons.Any help would be greatly appreciated.Thank you.

shapefile polygon width Wed,09 Jan 2019 15:05:58 GMT cuzza
Generalize a polygon by a max number of vertex,max widht and max area forcer https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I am interested in generalize a polygon following these criteria: max area (areaforcer),max number of vertex and max width allowed (for example a river with maximum width of 3 m and 200 vertex).How could I create this?

polygon generalize width Wed,17 Jan 2018 16:15:58 GMT gossyrossa
AutoCAD Global with parameter not available as format attribute https://knowledge.亚搏在线


This may or may not be an FME question so anyone with AutoCAD skills may be able to point me in the right direction.

I'm writing Mapinfo to AutoCAD and one of the objects is a polyline.The specified requirement is to set he polyline Format Attribute start_autocad_width and end_autocad_width to a value of 0.25.

I have achieved this.

However the result in cad is poor.Some polylines show with a width,some polylines show some segments with width.

Upon inspection the Autocad object property "Global width" is null.If this is set to 0.25 the issues noted above are resolved.

However the "global_autocad_width" is not an available format attribute.

I did read this may be a DWG template drawing variable PLINEWID but setting this has zero effect.

Any thoughts?

autocad dwgstyler dwg writer polyline width Fri,15 Dec 2017 00:58:46 GMT andyew
Why does AttributeRenamer cut data type width? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I'm importing data from a ArcGIS .gdb to a POSTGIS DB using FME Desktop 2016.For this I need first to rename single attribute names using the AttributeRenamer transformer.My poblem is that,reader attributes with width 254 (data type "text") are automatically transformed to writer width 200 (type "varchar").Why does FME cut the width of the attributes,is it a bug?

However,this issue only appears when I use an AttribruteRenamer.I also tryied the BulkAttributeRenamer,which retrieves the same.Any ideas?


attributerenamer width Thu,09 Nov 2017 23:38:19 GMT nicolas_varela
For the 2D Grid Creator I would like to have the option of adding the width and column length in Degree Minutes Seconds instead of just decimal degrees. https://knowledge.亚搏在线

decimal width length 2dgridcreator Fri,22 Sep 2017 17:43:02 GMT paulwilky
For the 2D GRID CREATOR is it possible to add the width and column length in Degree minutes seconds instead of just decimal degrees? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

decimal width length 2dgridcreator Fri,22 Sep 2017 16:20:54 GMT paulwilky
Set cell width in dynamic Excel writer https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hello,is it possible to set the cell/column width in a dynamic Excel Writer.I can imagine to precalculate the width for each column or to use a auto mode.Hendrik

excel dynamic width cell Thu,08 Jun 2017 08:42:50 GMT hendrik