Questions in topic: "spatial filter" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest questions for the topic "spatial filter" Spatailfilter different behaviour (script vs.application) https://knowledge.亚搏在线


my workbench use the Spatialfilter to detect if features from ESRI Geodatabase are inside a polygon.

Candidate: 10 featureclasses (diffrent geometry) from ESRI Geodatebase
Filter: 1 Polygon from File-Geodatebase.

With FME 2016.1.3 and Windows Server 2008 the workbench works fine.Now I have switched operating yystem to Windows Server 2016 and FME Desktop to 2018.1.
And now I have the problem that the SpatialFilter only works if I run the workbench in the FME application.If I use a script to start the workbench via par-file no feature will pass against the filter.

Kind regards


spatial filter Mon,03 Dec 2018 16:32:37 GMT geobiker
Does the FeatureReader Spatial Filter work on Oracle SDE data? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I'm not sure how the FeatureReader is working when using the spatial filter on Oracle SDE data.I see the following entry in my log file:

Notice - reader format `GEODATABASE_SDE' does not support querying by spatial predicate,but supports envelope queries.FME will create equivalent results by performing spatial predicate calculations locally

oracle sde spatial filter Tue,19 Dec 2017 15:58:26 GMT jlindahl
Point on polygon analysis and list all the records under each polygon without merging duplicates https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Hi,I want to do a point on polygon analysis and list all therecords under each polygon without merging duplicate properties.

I'm using Spatial Filter to find the properties within agiven area.It's giving the correct output if I send one record at a time.Butwhen I send all the area records to Spatial Filter it merge duplicate properties(candidates) to a one record.

I've change parameters on the Spatial filter but failed toget the expected output.Can someone please help me?

Area record and relevantproperties

Area ID Property
1 A
1 B
1 C

Area ID Property
2 C
2 D
2 E

Expected Output

Area ID Property
1 A
1 B
1 C
2 C
2 D
2 E

期待6属性,not 5 properties after merging theduplicated propertyC.

Thank you.

spatial filter point on polygon analysis stop merging Fri,2017年11月03 14:41:15格林尼治时间 srinath
Spatial Filter - Equals test not picking up matching polygons https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I have two polygon files.One is the original file and the other is an update of the original containing edits.I would like to filter out the polygons that have been updated spatially from the polygons that are unchanged.I have tried usingSpatial Filterwith 'Test to Perform' set toEqualsbut it seems not to be able to identify the matching polygons.I have tested the original against itself and the equals filter worked perfectly.Tested against the updated file (where I can see there are many unchanged polygons) and it doesn't work.

spatial filter Wed,18 Oct 2017 15:13:27 GMT mikemidd
Why does my output feature class inherit the reader's feature dataset? https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I am using the Spatial Filter Transformer,FME 2016.1.I am using a polygon feature class as my filter input and a line feature class as my candidate input.My polygon feature class is part of a feature dataset.The spatial feature output port writes to a ESRI Geodatabase (File Geodb ArcObjects) but it recreates the same polygon feature dataset in a different file geodatabase when it writes the feature class.

I do not want the feature dataset in this file geodatabase.Where do I change this setting?

spatial filter Mon,28 Aug 2017 19:07:18 GMT danellelaurin
Spatial Filter allow requestor to pass multiple times https://knowledge.亚搏在线

I load multiple lines that i buffers 2m (they acts as my Filters).I then load polygons that the buffers crosses/intersects.I want to filter out the polygons that intersects each buffer and save to file.I get it to work but the polygons are only selected ones,the first buffer gets the polygon and the second one that intersects that polygon doesn't.

I have tried every options in the Spatial Filter with little success to get this to work.My only options is to run one line at a time but that seems not right.I want the requestors to be static so every filter will be compared to all of the requestors,not only the ones that not yet have passed another filter.

Sorry for my bad english,hope someone gets what i'm trying to do.:)

spatial filter i load multiple Mon,22 May 2017 14:20:38 GMT fredrikekstroma