Answers for "Can you use SchemaMapper or BulkAttributeRenamer with a dynamic schema writer?" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest answers for the question "Can you use SchemaMapper or BulkAttributeRenamer with a dynamic schema writer?" Answer by taojunabc https://knowledge.亚搏在线

Sorry,in the example above,schemasetter will have some additional attributes from SchemaMapper output,and I found that SchemaSetter can not be obtained according to the original attribute of sequential access to schema feature,so I also constructed a working space.It does not use SchemaSetter.

Sun,06 Nov 2016 16:03:13 GMT taojunabc
Answer by taojunabc https://knowledge.亚搏在线

If you use SchemaSetter (a custom transformer in FME Hub),you will only need to have a table that contains the original field name and the name of the field after the change,you can achieve the desired purpose.

Sun,06 Nov 2016 14:30:21 GMT taojunabc