Answers for "HTML Table & Hyperlink Parser" https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest answers for the question "HTML Table & Hyperlink Parser" Answer by gisinnovationsb


Could you please provide another link?I just want to check on the consistacy of the tags.



Wed, 07 Jun 2017 23:51:22 GMT gisinnovationsb
Answer by lars_de_vries

Additionally, if you want to create a working hyperlink in Excel, you will have to create two attributes:

1.'View Form/Attachment' with value 'View'

2.'View Form/Attachment.hyperlink' with the URL of the hyperlink.

Only the first must be used as an attribute in the writer.The .hyperlink is explained for theReaderbut not for the Writer.

One thing to keep in mind: there is a limit of 66530 hyperlinks per worksheet.(excel specs)

Tue, 09 May 2017 07:41:03 GMT lars_de_vries
Answer by takashi

Hi@natehewes13, I looked at the HTML source document and found that the required data are stored in two

elements, which can be identified by their class names - "GroupBox1" and "DataGrid" and therefore you can extract the

However, unfortunately, the current HTMLExtractor doesn't support to identify class names containing upper case characters (FME 2017.0).It's a known issue and I hope this will be fixed in the near future.

As a workaround in the interim, change "GroupBox1" and "DataGrid" within the response body to lower case (StringReplacer can be used), then extract the two

elements with the HTMLExtractor.
element using the HTMLExtractor with this setting.You can then parse the extracted

Tue, 09 May 2017 06:18:56 GMT takashi elements as XML fragments.