Answers for "Can I replace the start and end points of a line with other point xy's, from a point data layer? The ID of each start and end point are individual attributes in the line layer, which correspond to the appropriate ID of the point in the points data." https://knowledge.亚搏在线 The latest answers for the question "Can I replace the start and end points of a line with other point xy's, from a point data layer? The ID of each start and end point are individual attributes in the line layer, which correspond to the appropriate ID of the point in the points data." Answer by amandab

Ok, looks like this worked:

Extracted the coordinates for the points (specify coordinate), and the lines (All Coordinates), featuremerged them together (using both merged and unmerged in case some lines were missing a start or end matching point) and created new attributes to make sure the xy for the start points and end points were in individual fields.Then used VertexCreator to create a new start point (replace point at index, for index = 0), and used VertexCreator to create a new end point (replace point at index, for index = -1).That really seems to have done the trick.

Thanks again everyone!

Fri, 28 Apr 2017 18:48:30 GMT amandab
Answer by amandab

Thanks everyone, those are quite a few options to try, that's great.This was my first post, I'm pleasantly surprised at the quick response!

Fri, 28 Apr 2017 18:31:22 GMT amandab
Answer by jdh

The VertexCreator has a mode Replace Point at Index which should do want you want.
The start index is 0, then end index is -1.

Fri, 28 Apr 2017 18:02:30 GMT jdh
Answer by itay


In case you are working with a database format and the line ID and new XY are identical, you can create new lines from the points and update the existing geometry in the database with the help of the common ID.

Fri, 28 Apr 2017 17:58:42 GMT itay
Answer by takashi

Hi@amandab, I don't think there is a transformer to do that at once, but you can use the CoordinateRemover to remove a vertex from a line and the VertexCreator to add a vertex at the end of a line.So, assuming that attributes storing coordinates of new start and end nodes have been merged to the line features already, this procedure may be a possible way.

  1. CoordinateRemover: Remove the last vertex.
  2. VertexCreator (Mode: Add Point): Add the new end node.
  3. Orientor: Reverse the orientation.
  4. CoordinateRemover_2: Remove the last vertex.
  5. VertexCreator_2: Add the new start node.
  6. Orientor_2: Reverse (Restore) the orientation.
Fri, 28 Apr 2017 17:48:53 GMT takashi
Answer by erik_jan

I believe theCoordinateReplacertransformer can do just that.

Fri, 28 Apr 2017 17:37:41 GMT erik_jan